Farmer Veteran Fellowship Fund Grants Now Open

Farmer Veteran Fellowship Fund Grants

Farmer Veteran Fellowship Fund Grants Available Now from the Farmer Veteran Coalition

Farmer Veteran Fellowship Fund Grants provide direct assistance to veterans who are in their beginning years of farming or ranching. The Fellowship Fund does not give money directly to the veteran, but rather to third-party vendors for items the veteran has identified will make a crucial difference in the launch of their farm business. Awards range from $1,000 to $5,000, and more than $1.9 million has been awarded to veterans since 2011.


  • Veterans of any branch of the U.S. Military from all service eras–including those currently serving
  • Those who received a characterization of service of ‘Honorable’ upon discharge
  • Must have an agricultural business in operation and a functional business plan
  • Must be willing to fully participate in the Fellowship Program, which includes periodic progress reports, mentoring other farmer veterans and a desire to make a positive impact on the farmer veteran community


The application for the Farmer Veteran Fellowship Fund is OPEN. The application will remain open until 5 P.M. PST on March 8.


The application for Farmer Veteran Fellowship Fund Grants opens once per year at which time eligible veterans are given no less than four (4) weeks to submit a fully completed application. In 2019, applications will be accepted from February 1 to March 8 at 5 P.M. PSTClick here to apply now!

Once the application period ends, an advisory panel of agricultural industry professionals convenes to review submissions. The application review process can take up to two months with awardees usually being notified in the Spring.

Farmer veterans who are selected as Fellowship recipients have six (6) months to use their award as outlined in their application or risk losing it to another deserving farmer veteran.

Upon notification of their award, Fellowship recipients may begin seeking out third-party vendors to make their purchase. All third-party vendors must be approved by the Fellowship Fund manager prior to purchase.

After an approved third-party vendor has been selected, the Fellowship Fund manager makes the payment on the farmer veteran’s behalf.

Click here to read Frequently Asked Questions


The application for Farmer Veteran Fellowship Fund Grants, which consists of both short answer and essay questions, is comprised of five main focus areas: military service, educational background, prior farming experience, business and financial planning, and short-term and long-term goals.

Applicants are evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Farm training/experience and/or transferable skills
  • Personal investment in their farm business
  • Strength of funding request and ability to show how an award will help grow their farm business
  • Vision and goals for the future of their business
  • Community involvement

Required Documents
Throughout the course of completing the application you will be required to upload the following additional document:

  • A business plan


Joshua Nelson
Joshua Nelson | Patriot Bee Company 
2016 | Prairie Grove Farms

Farmer Veteran Fellowship Fund Grants range from $1,000 to $5,000 and some of the most common purchases include:

  • All-Terrain Vehicles (ATV)
  • Beekeeping equipment
  • Breeding livestock
  • Bulk feed
  • Fencing
  • Scholarships
  • Storage freezers
  • Tractor implements
  • Walk-behind tractors


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