Farmer Training Programs in Oregon

Farmer Training Programs in Oregon (Internships/Apprenticeships) Available through Rogue Farm Corps – 2020
Applications are open for ROGUE FARM CORPS’ beginning & advanced farmer training programs in Oregon for the 2020 season. Applications are rolling until March 1st. Apply early, as positions do fill during the application period. Participants live & train at partner host farms which provide mentorship, room, board, and a monthly stipend. RFC has a small tuition and scholarship applications are open Dec 1 – Feb 1. Rogue Farm Corps seeks to train an inclusive next generation of farmers and encourages applicants of all backgrounds and identities to apply.
Rogue Farm Corps offers structured, entry-level and advanced farmer training programs in Oregon rooted in real-world farm & ranch businesses. We work with host farms and ranches located in the Rogue Valley, the Portland Metro Area, the Southern Willamette Valley, and Central Oregon, offering experiences with vegetable production, animal husbandry, dairy, and more. Please note that 2020 partner host sites are still being confirmed and will be updated on our website throughout the application period. For complete program descriptions, information on our host farms, and applications visit
Rogue Farm Corps’ entry-level Internship Program is a great way to dive into sustainable agriculture. Participants gain significant experience training on a farm or ranch in Oregon through this residential immersion program that lasts 6-8 months (typically April – October). It combines full-time hands-on field training under the guidance of a mentor farmer with 15-20 local classes and farm tours and 4-5 discussion sessions. No experience is necessary. More information is available on our website and below.
Rogue Farm Corps’ advanced Apprenticeship Program is for those who have at least one full growing season of farm/ranch experience (or equivalent). The Apprenticeship is an immersive on-farm program for those who are seeking to delve further into the art and business of agriculture. It typically runs Feb or March through November or December. Full-time hands-on field training, classes, weekend gatherings around the state, farm tours, discussions, and guidance on farm business development will help you gain the skills to plan, design, and run integrated farming systems on your own. More information is available on our website and below.
Rogue Farm Corps is committed to an ongoing learning process around privilege, power, inequality and systems of oppression. RFC has a goal of making our programs welcoming to, inclusive of, and accessible to communities who are under-represented as farm operators in Oregon, including women, Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC), LGBTQIA+ individuals, low-income individuals and immigrants. Our desire to create a more equitable food system is reflected in RFC’s programs and collaborations.
More Details about Rogue Farm Corps’ Farmer Training Programs in Oregon:
Are you looking to start a career in sustainable agriculture? RFC’s Internship Program is a great launching point for beginning farmers and ranchers with little or no previous experience.
The Internship Program is an entry-level, immersive program that combine hands-on training and skills-based education in sustainable agriculture for a full season.
As an intern, you will live and train full-time on a host farm or ranch, participating in 840-1,400 hours of on-farm training and learning in-depth skills from your mentor. Your on-farm training experience is combined with farm tours, classes, and discussion circles throughout the region, as well as opportunities for independent study. Interns are exposed to a vast array of knowledge and expertise by engaging in the daily life of vibrant, agricultural communities.
The Internship is a hands-on learning experience. The vast majority of your time will be spent learning by doing. You will train alongside your mentor as well as independently to develop skills while accomplishing day to day tasks that support your host farm through the season.
Rogue Farm Corps works closely with farm mentors to create a skill-based curriculum that is unique to each host farm. RFC Chapter Coordinators will conduct on-site evaluations and skill assessments with interns and host farmers to ensure that education and training goals are being met.
To augment your training and learning at your host farm, you will join other beginning farmers in your local region for 15-20 classes and farm tours that teach foundational concepts and practical skills as well as provide insight into different production systems on other farms. You will also join 4-5 discussion circles throughout the season on food and farm related topics. Classes, tours, and discussions are led by Rogue Farm Corps staff, agricultural professionals, and expert farmers in a variety of settings (mostly various local farm locations, but some are in classrooms). An example class schedule can be found here.
During the course of the farming season, every intern will complete an independent project, submit a report and make a short presentation at the end of the season. Examples of previous independent projects include raising a small flock of ducks for market, constructing a root crop storage room, developing recipe cards for market customers, and building an outdoor cob oven.
The Internship Program begins between March 15 and April 15 and concludes typically between October 15 and October 31 with exact start and end dates to be determined with the host farm.
Room, board, and stipend packages vary from farm to farm. In any case, you can expect safe, secure housing, farm-produced food plus some staples, and a monthly stipend (typically between $500-700). Each host farm determines the details.
To successfully complete the program, you will complete 840 to 1,400 hours of on-farm training time, submit reflective journal entries, complete an independent project, and attend all classes, farm tours, and discussions, with no more than three absences.
The Internship Program has a tuition fee of $1,750. Information about scholarships is here. Upon accepting a placement offer at a Host Farm, interns pay a $250 non-refundable deposit to secure their placement. An additional $500 payment is due at New Student Orientation. Two additional payments of $500 are due on June 15 and August 15. RFC will work with individual interns to set up a payment plan if requested in writing.
Tuition helps to pay for the educational event series, program outreach, developing materials, facilitating orientations and evaluations, administrative costs, and general support from your Chapter Coordinator who is available for check-ins and support throughout the internship and beyond.
Please visit our website for the full program descriptions, student handbooks, and application.
Are you ready to level up your farming skills? RFC’s Apprenticeship Program is the perfect next step to kick start start your farming career by learning the skills needed to manage and run a diversified farming operation, and deepen your understanding of ecological and sustainable agricultural practices.
The Apprenticeship Program is an advanced on-farm learning experience, combining hands-on training and skills-based education for those ready to dive in to the art and business of sustainable agriculture.
This full-immersion program is designed for those who have completed RFC’s Internship Program, a similar farm training program, or have at least one full season (or equivalent) of farming experience already. It is for people who have a foundation of farm knowledge and skills but are looking to deepen their managerial experience with the goal of managing, owning, or operating a farm enterprise in the future. You will live and train full-time on one of RFC’s partner Host Farms, participate in a series of weekend workshops including in-depth farm tours with real working farmers, and learn in-depth skills from your mentor farmer. The Apprenticeship experience can be up to two seasons long if both apprentice and host farmer would like to continue the relationship after one season.
The majority of the program will be focused on learning by doing through hands-on participation in the day to day operations of your host farm through the season.
Over time, you will be expected to take on more responsibility in an area or two at your host farm. Depending on the host site, these areas could include helping to manage people or processes, food processing, tractor operation, conducting field walks and observation, record keeping, product deliveries, marketing, irrigation, and general farm maintenance.
RFC works closely with farm mentors to create a skill-based curriculum for each host farm. Chapter Coordinators will conduct on-site evaluations and skill assessments with apprentices and host farmers twice during the season to ensure that education and training goals are being met.
In addition to the hands-on training at their Host Farm, apprentices will attend a series of classes and weekend intensives facilitated by RFC in partnership with expert farmers and agricultural service providers such as Oregon State University Extension’s Small Farms Program. The curriculum focuses on advanced farming techniques and business planning and management (see sample class topics here). The weekend intensives rotate among chapter locations so that apprentices have an opportunity to host each other and experience other growing regions around the state. Other apprentice classes may be conducted locally or online. Apprentices also attend several classes / farm tours / discussions integrated with the local RFC Internship series.
During the course of the farming season, every apprentice will complete an independent project, submit a report and make a short presentation at the end of the season. Examples of previous independent projects include managing a new farmers’ market once a week, leading school groups on farm tours, independently raising a seed crop for contract, starting and running a cut flower CSA, or learning how to manage a beehive.
Rogue Farm Corps staff will work with you to identify additional trainings and resources to support your development.
You will have the opportunity to meet and network with local farmers and agricultural professionals in the community you are working in. Rogue Farm Corps will organize farm tours and will host potluck discussion circles to bring together folks from across the farming community.
The Apprenticeship Program is designed to run for up to two full farming seasons. Over the course of two seasons, apprentices may complete up to 3,000 hours of on-farm time. Room, board, and stipend packages vary from farm to farm, and will be discussed with Host Farmers during the placement process. Apprentices can expect safe, clean housing, farm produced food and some staples, and a monthly educational stipend in the range of $700-1000/month. In some cases apprentices are hired as employees and paid an hourly wage. In these cases, food & housing may not be included.
The Apprenticeship Program tuition fee is $400 annually. Tuition helps RFC offset the cost of the class & farm tour series. Upon accepting a placement offer on a Host Farm, apprentices pay a $250 non-refundable deposit to secure their placement. The remaining balance of $150 is due at On Farm Orientation. Information about scholarships is here.
Please visit our website for the full descriptions of all the Farmer Training Programs in Oregon, as well as student handbooks, and application instructions.
- Find more programs that aim to train the next generation of farmers at
- Learn more about farming and food jobs and internships, or learn how to post a job, internship, or apprenticeship opportunity on by going to
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