Farmer Brain Trust and Roundtable in MI

farmer brain trust
Michigan Farmer Brain Trust & Food Security Roundtable – Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Farmer Brain Trust
Tuesday, Dec. 10, 10am to noon
Cost: FREE
Location: MSU Student Organic Farm, 3291 College Rd, Holt MI 48842
At the Farmer Brain Trust, Farmer Field School presenters, participants, and advocates will meet to plan Farmer Field School workshops for 2020 and discuss other ways to collaborate. This is a time to imagine what you would like to learn –OR– what you would like to share with other small-scale and beginning farmers around the state. Do you want to host a workshop where farmers can learn to work in ways that won’t harm their backs, muscles & joints? Do you want to learn better ways to control weeds? What would you like to see in 2020?
Your input is one of the greatest strengths of Farmer Field School! Join us to be a part of the decisions about the 6 Farmer Field School workshops in 2020. We will brainstorm what to topics should be covered and speakers and host farms for each topic.
Food Security Roundtable
Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2019, 1pm – 3pm
Cost: FREE
Location: MSU Student Organic Farm, 3291 College Rd, Holt MI 48842
Topic: Food Security
This will be an opportunity to re-imagine a food system where all have access to fresh, local, nutritious foods as well as the resources and knowledge to grow and cook those foods. This will be a participant-led conversation, so we welcome each of you to share your ideas on the challenges, opportunities and big ideas that could change perceptions and realities of food security in our communities.
  • Scaling up to Wholesale: Marketing & Production – March 7
  • Forcing Bulbs, Flowers & Branches for Early Spring Sales – May 16
  • Weeds & Cultivation for Lean Farm Production – July 1
  • Lansing Farm Tours – July 22
  • Grand Rapids Farm Tours – August 19
  • Build a Greens Dryer & Bubbler – October 1
  • Farmer Brain Trust – December 10, 2019 10am – noon, FREE
  • Food Security Roundtable – December 10, 2019 1 – 3pm, FREE
  • Expo of Small Farm Innovation – January 2020
Workshops on Farms, Taught by Farmers!
Each Farmer Field School workshop features in-depth, practical insights from the wealth of knowledge in Michigan’s farming community. Experienced farmers and agricultural educators team up to co-teach each workshop. Farmer Field School is designed to improve the profitability of diversified, sustainable farms in their first 10 years. See Farmer Field School for more program information and current workshops.

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