Farm to School News and More

Here is the latest news from the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition featuring Farm to School News, News about the impending ERS NIFA Move, and more…
$9 Million in Farm to School Awards Brings Local Food to Schools, Bolsters Farm Sales
In the latest farm to school news, earlier this month, USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) announced a record level of funding – over $9 million – for projects funded through the Farm to School Grant Program. This round, 126 diverse projects were funded that will support farm to school efforts in 5,400 schools and impact approximately 3.2 million students in 42 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. The program supports the implementation and development of planning, support services, and training projects that increase local-food sourcing in schools, improve child nutrition, foster agricultural literacy, and create marketing opportunities for local food producers.
Demolition By Relocation: ERS and NIFA Moving Day Looms Closer
Last week, the Senate Agriculture Committee took the latest action in the ongoing, collaborative effort to reverse the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) relocation of two core research agencies from Washington, D.C. to Kansas City, Missouri. Both ERS and NIFA are already seeing considerable loss of highly-qualified staff, and it is unclear how ERS and NIFA can sustain vital programs that serve the nation’s researchers, producers, and policymakers without critical staff.
NSAC is seeking a Policy Director!
Are you deeply committed to sustainable agriculture and experienced in federal policy? Would you enjoy charting the next phase of NSAC’s policy work and leading our passionate, high-performing, member-engaged, and collaborative policy team that is dedicated to working for racial equity? If so, please consider stepping up to be NSAC’s new Policy Director! NSAC offers competitive non-profit salary and benefits and is an equal opportunity employer.
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