Farm Succession and Estate Planning Workshop

farm succession and estate planning

Farm Succession and Estate Planning Workshop in Iowa – June 7th, 2018

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach is offering a Farm Succession and Estate Planning Workshop to help farm families begin those conversations and start putting transition plans on paper. Jerry Chizek, ISU Extension and Outreach Regional Director, says offering a farm business succession workshops is a result of needs expressed by area farm families.

“I hear individual family members express concerns about the future of the farm business, but many families have not taken the time to have those discussions between the generations involved. This is an opportunity to begin those discussions. If it is important for the farm to stay in the family, then it is critical to have these discussions to share the goals, dreams, fears, and expectations associated with succession planning,” said Chizek. “That’s why we are bringing Iowa State University transitioning experts to our region.”

The first farm succession and estate planning workshop will be held on June 7, 2018 starting at 5:30pm-9:00pm with David Baker and Zachary Chizek, Beginning Farmer Center Administrator and Attorney at Law, presenting Farm Succession in Fort Dodge.

The second farm succession and estate planning workshop will be held on June 21, 2018 starting at 5:30pm-9:00pm with Kelvin Leibold, ISU Extension and Outreach Farm and Agribusiness Specialist, presenting on Estate Planning.

During the first workshop, participants will learn the importance of Farm Business Succession Planning, farm succession structure, beginning farmer tax credits, and working with an attorney. During the second workshop, participants will learn the language of estate planning, setting goals, gift, estate, and inheritance taxes, and implementing your estate plan.

The farm succession and estate planning workshops will be held Thursday, June 7th from 5:30-9:00 p.m. and Thursday, June 21st from 5:30-9:00 p.m. at the Webster County Extension and Outreach office located at 217 South 25th Street, Suite C12 in Fort Dodge.

Registration fee for both workshops is $150 per family of four or $50 per person. Pre-registration is required by June 1, 2018 and can be made by contacting one of the Region 7 County Extension offices – Hamilton County, 515-832-9597,; Humboldt County, 515-332-2201,; Webster County, 515-576-2119,; or Wright County, 515-532-3453,


Learn more about farm succession and estate planning from at

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