Farm Succession and Access Workshops in Oregon

Farm Succession and Access Workshops in Oregon from Rouge Farm Corps – April, 2018
Rogue Farm Corps’ series of farm succession and access workshops in April 2018, “Changing Hands A Workshop on Farm Succession Planning and Access to Land” will bring together aspiring and retiring farmers for a full day of training on land access and succession planning. Each event will also have facilitated networking on regional issues with both groups throughout the day to help build a community that will last beyond the workshops.
If you are an aspiring farmer, come learn about creative ways to start your farm business with topics on finding, leasing, financing and buying agricultural land.
If you are a retiring farmer, come learn from experts about what it takes to pass on your business to the next generation – keeping it in the family or finding others to carry it on.
The day-long farm succession and access workshops start with breakfast at 7:30am, the program begins at 8:30am and goes through 5:00pm with lunch and afternoon snacks included. Registration is just $20, including meals. Note: get your tickets early, late registration begins 10 days before the event, and tickets will be $30.
These day-long workshops start with breakfast at 7:30am, the program begins at 8:30am and goes through 5:00pm with lunch and happy hour included.
Farm Succession and Access Workshops Registration and more details here:
Portland area: Friday, 04/20 – Clackamas Community College in Milwaukie
Medford: Monday, 04/23 – Southern Oregon University
Redmond: Friday, 04/27 – Central Oregon Community College
Springfield: Monday, 04/30 – Sprout!
Facebook event pages:
Portland: Friday, 04/20 – Clackamas Community College in Milwaukie
Medford: Monday, 04/23 – Southern Oregon Univeristy
Redmond: Friday, 04/27 – Central Oregon Community College
Springfield: Monday, 04/30 – Sprout!
7:30am – 8:30am – Registration and breakfast
8:30am – 9:00am – Welcome and keynote
9:15am – 10:30am
Succession Track – Working with your family to plan for succession
Access to Land Track – Finding and leasing farmland, including creative pathways to land tenure
10:45am – 12:00pm
Both Tracks – Buying and selling agricultural real estate
12:00pm – 1:00pm – Lunch at facilitated discussion tables
1:00pm – 2:15pm
Succession Track – Working with your attorney and professional team to plan for succession
Access to Land Track – Financing options for purchasing land, conventional and emerging
2:30pm – 3:45pm
Both Tracks – Creative methods for passing on assets and management to next generation
3:45pm – 4:00pm – Thank you and takeaways from the event
4:15pm – 5:00pm – Snacks and networking
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