“Farm Schools”

Heading Back to Farm School

Modern Farmer magazine recently profiled four “farm schools,” two in the United States, one in Ireland and one in Japan.

Excerpt: Farming has traditionally been a family affair, with skills passed from generation to generation, often through informal internships or years of apprenticeship. The problem with this model is that, today, many farming hopefuls don’t come from a farming background. They may be farmers market junkies and CSA devotees, but the closest they’ve come to plowing a field is planting an herb garden on their apartment’s rooftop. How to make the leap? 

Many choose the volunteer or apprenticeship route, working on different farms, one growing season at a time. But here’s another option: Head back to school.

More and more, farm enthusiasts are choosing to pay to attend one of a handful of farm schools located around the world …

Read the whole story here.

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