Farm School NYC Spring Course Schedule

farm school nyc
 Spring Course Schedule at Farm School NYC – 2018
Spring is on the way and our next courses are about to begin! Find course descriptions, dates, and links below. Registration will close when each course is full. If you’d like to be put on a wait list, email us at with the course(s) you’d like to take and we’ll send you registration if space becomes available.
This Farm School NYC course covers the basic aspects of plant propagation and best practices for raising healthy seedlings from seed to transplant, including: plant reproduction, the use and management of propagation tools such as greenhouses and hoop houses (managing microclimates, pests and diseases, and record keeping), creating and using propagation media such as soil mixes and common containers, and proper watering techniques for different types of seedlings and stages of growth. Register here.
Wednesday, 2/28 from 6-9pm
Wednesday, 3/7 from 6-9pm
Wednesday, 3/14 from 6-9pm
Saturday, 4/7 from 10am-6pm
Saturday, 4/14 from 10am-2pm
Growing Soils
Essential to growing healthy plants is growing healthy soil. This Farm School NYC course covers everything from basic soil science, soil remediation and the current state of NYC soils to soil fertility, proper irrigation and cultivation, and compost (biology and system construction). Register here.
Wednesday, 3/21 from 6-9pm
Wednesday, 3/28 from 6-9pm
Wednesday, 4/4 from 6-9pm
Wednesday, 4/11 from 6-9pm
Saturday, 4/14 from 2-6pm
Wednesday, 4/18 from 6-9pm
Saturday, 4/21 from 10am-6pm
Wednesday, 4/25 from 6-9pm
Saturday, 4/28 from 10am-6pm
Learn carpentry basics: reading and drawing building designs relevant to urban agriculture (raised beds, compost bins, chicken coops, cold frames, greenhouses). Outdoor building classes will cover tool safety and maintenance as well as provide hands-on building experience. Register here.
Wednesday, 5/2 from 6-9pm
Saturday, 5/5 from 10am-4pm
Wednesday, 5/9 from 6-9pm
Saturday, 5/12 from 10am-4pm
NYC as an Ecosystem
This Farm School NYC course provides an overview of the forces which shape our ecosystem, both natural and man-made. We will discuss geology, hydrology, vegetation patterns, wildlife, Native American history, and disturbance. Students will leave the course with an understanding of how to apply these concepts in an agricultural setting. Register here.
Wednesday, 5/16 from 6-9pm
Saturday, 5/19 from 10am-2pm
Wednesday, 5/23 from 6-9pm
Saturday, 5/26 from 10am-2pm
Learn about more beginning farmer training programs from at:

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