Farm School NYC Certificate Program

Farm School NYC Certificate Program
Farm School NYC Certificate Program Applications Open – 2019
Happy summer everyone! We’re excited to re-open applications for our upcoming Farm School NYC Certificate Program.
If you’re interested in learning more about farming and food justice, or know someone who is, then check out this year’s application information. We hope to welcome you at an Info Session or Open Class soon!
Farm School NYC Certificate Program Application Timeline
  • August 1: Applications open
  • September 15: Applications close
  • October 7-18: Interviews
  • October 28: Notification of acceptance
  • November 4: Confirmation of acceptance
  • November 11: Tuition deposit due
  • November 17: New Student Orientation
  • December 4: Class begins!
Info Sessions and Open Classes on the Farm School NYC Certificate Program
August 10: Open Class, 10am-12pm
@Queens Botanical Garden, 43-50 Main St, Flushing, NY 11355
August 22: Info Session, 6-8pm
@The People’s Forum, 320 W 37th Street NY, NY
September 3: Info Session, 6-8pm
@The People’s Forum, 320 W 37th Street NY, NY
To attend an Info Session or Open House, all attendees must RSVP. Each session has limited capacity, so only RSVP if you plan to attend. We look forward to welcoming you soon!
Citywide Certificate
Our Citywide Certificate in Urban Agriculture is designed as a comprehensive two year program structured around core & advanced courses, with a season-long farm apprenticeship completed after the first year. Our courses are taught by experienced urban farmers, and take place on weekday evenings and weekends to accommodate a busy workweek. Through engaging, site-based education, our classes offer comprehensive professional training in urban agriculture and cultivate future leaders in the food justice movement.
This year, we are only accepting applications for the Citywide Certificate program as we revision the Farm Intensive Certificate. We are currently planning what a one year Citywide program would look like. We hope you’ll attend an Info Session, so we can answer any questions you might have.


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