Farm Profitability Seminar, Massachusetts

Farm Profitability Seminar, Barre, MA, 2013

Registration Due Soon, October 21, 2013!

Any farmer who raises vegetable crops shouldn’t miss the one day Advanced Growers seminar with Michael Kilpatrick. He is one of the best examples of the up and coming organic CSA and farmers market growers in the Northeast. The $65 that you spend on November 4 will be earned back several-fold with what you learn from this highly successful practically based young farmer. I spent 1 ½ hours at one of his workshops this summer and was blown away with the practical takeaways for me as a CSA farmer.

—  Julie Rawson, Co-owner of Many Hands Organic Farm, and director of NOFA/Mass

Farm Profitability: Season Extension and Marketing for the Small Farm

Date: Monday, November 4, 2013 – 9:00am to 5:30pm

Location: Barre Congregational Church, 30 Park Street, Barre, MA

Presenter: Michael Kilpatrick, farm manager at Kilpatrick Family Farm.

Registration cost (potluck lunch): $65 Member; $81 Non-member

Register online or by mail by Oct. 21

Description: Michael Kilpatrick offers a full day seminar on realizing the dream of a profitable small farm. Practical content addresses the infrastructure and economics of year-round farming, farm systems for profitable field production, season extension for producing greens, overwinterring crops for super early spring harvest, marketing the farm and telling your story, and using different marketing channels to increase farm profits.

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