Farm Poultry Slaughter Guide

The Cornell Small Farms Program is pleased to announce a new ” On-Farm Poultry Slaughter Guide“. Designed to complement a hands-on training in how to properly kill and prepare a poultry carcass for sale, this guide focuses on the critical points for producing a product that is safe to eat.

This 28-page guide contains sections on the 1000-bird limit exemption, where you can legally sell your birds under this exemption, labeling requirements, sanitary operating procedures and more. It includes several appendices, such as a sample flock record log and a questionnaire that your insurance company may use to assess your knowledge of safe poultry processing practices.

The Guide is available either by PDF or viewing online at the Northeast Beginning Farmers Project Website.

Special thanks to Lynn Bliven, Ag & Natural Resources Team Coordinator for Cornell Cooperative Extension of Allegany and Cattaraugus Counties, for her leadership on this project. Thanks also to Clarence Davis, NYS Department of Ag & Markets, for his assistance on interpreting and clarifying the regulations and policies, and to tatiana Stanton, Senior Extension Associate at Cornell University, for her persistence in gaining that clarity.

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