Farm Manager Job in Nevada

Limited-Period, Full-Time Farm Manager Job in Nevada – 2017
Ranch and farm (one hour drive from Reno, Nevada) is looking for full-time Farm Manager for a unique opportunity growing an experimental crop utilizing organic methods. The experimental grow period is July through mid-November. Be part of a small team that includes a experienced senior farmer and other support staff.
The farm manager job duties include overseeing the installation and maintenance of an drip irrigation system, field preparation, soil composition/amendments, planting, ongoing crop monitoring and pest management, managing farm labor, crop harvest and drying, heavy equipment operation and light equipment repair. Organic methods and organic pest management experience required.
Additional acreage not dedicated to the experimental crop also requires management (cattle, alfalfa, etc.) so an extension of the position is possible based upon performance. The successful candidate can help expand current operations into other areas of expertise (e.g., crops and livestock). A positive attitude is a must! Candidate needs to be dependable, flexible, and hard-working. Summer hours are 5 or 6 days a week, 7 am to 5pm. Possible flexibility as to which days of the week to work.
We ask for a 3.5 month commitment. This is limited period, full-time position at $3000 per month or higher per experience plus a harvest bonus based upon a profitable yield. Housing may be provided for the first month while getting settled. Requires own transportation. Prefer supervisory experience. Based upon performance and crop yield there is an ongoing opportunity to both manage future crop cycles (e.g., Feb-Nov) and continue managing other portions of the ranch.
If interested in the Farm Manager Job in Nevada please e-mail a resume or description of job experience that shows you are qualified to Short e-mails like “I’m interested in this job.” will not result in a response. You must supply more information about yourself before I will send questions and an application. Serious inquiries only. No drinking or drug problems.
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