Farm Manager and Beekeeper Job in Italy


Farm Manager and Beekeeper Job in Tuscany, Italy – 2018

We own an organic dynamic family farm in Tuscany, Italy where we producing olive oil and wine. Hortulanus is a certified organic farm with biodynamic applications situated in the South of Tuscany (close to Montalcino). We have three hectares of century-old olive trees (about three thousand trees), and produce a world-renowned, award-winning oil.

Through working on the land, we recognized first hand the fast decline in insects and birds despite the fact we work organically. It was around this time that my daughter got a vision to create a  bee sanctuary on our land. Arguably, bees are Earth’s most important organisms, yet they are threatened by habitat loss, pesticides, herbicides and disease. The bee sanctuary will include the creation of a heirloom fruit trees orchard and meadows of wildflowers. We want to dedicate a part of Hortulanus to the improvement of the live of bees through education, charity, and courses.

We want to plant a wide array of Italian heirloom fruit trees and acres of native flowers. For this we need the knowledge of a  organic dynamic / in permaculture educated farmer / beekeeper. Maybe your organisation can mediate with this search. The profile of the farmer we are looking for is as following:

Qualifications for Farm Manager and Beekeeper Job (can be two persons):

• All-year worker with flexible hours

• Deep understanding of bees and beekeeping

• Able to work with medicinal herbs and plants.

• Able to create (in coordination with us) and give courses in beekeeping, health benefits of bee products, organic gardening, and self-sufficiency

• Able to give tours about the working ethos of Hortulanus

• Able to prepare soil, planting, harvesting, and coordinating with scientists

• Able to make a small production out of the products harvested.

* Take care of small animals like chicken and sheep.

*Able to create permaculture based gardens, orchards and has fresh ideas for the bee sanctuary.

Housing and a good salary is offered.

Apply for the Farm Manager and Beekeeper Job in Italy – We will respond to emails with an attached resume and a cover letter stating what you’ll bring to the team.

Shifra Steinberg


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7 Comments on Farm Manager and Beekeeper Job in Italy

  1. I am beekeeper India Asia beekeeping work experience 5 years

  2. Michael oji paduyao // August 24, 2019 at 6:50 pm // Reply

    I’m a beekeeper here in newzealand almost 2 half year.I’m huddling pollination which is kiwi fruits and avocado but after pollination we do also manuka honey in taranaki area.So I want inquire if I’m qualify to join with your good company.please email to this if you are interested to invite me in your company.thank you

    • Michael, you need to respond directly to the farm. We just post these opportunities on the site, we don’t hire people for them. Their contact information is in the post.

  3. Come mi chiamo Imesh, il mio paese è lo Sri Lanka.Vorrei servirti molto fedelmente se mi puoi permettere un lavoro.Vivo in povertà.

  4. ciao signore o signora   per favore, puoi aiutarmi a trovare lavoro in Italia in realtà perché è interessante andare lì in Italia dal nostro paese qui molto difficile da creare la nostra vita in realtà un po ‘di tempo non abbiamo cibo da mangiare perché qui tutto molto costoso il mio campione dello Sri Lanka se ricevo il cibo del pomeriggio del pomeriggio dopo cena, non ho cibo in realtà io e il povero ragazzo e sto facendo un lavoro di lavoro come tutti pensano che non sia un campione oggi lavoro ma dopo non lo stesso lavoro che faccio e ho famiglia e il mio Figlio di 2 anni, perché così tanto mi auguro che questa sia la mia vita in Sri Lanka e ho sentito parlare dell’Italia che stanno dando il visto per la fattoria quest’anno 2020 che inizieranno a febbraio o marzo per aiutarmi a trovare un visto per la fattoria in Italia e grazie, perché non vedo l’ora di sentire qualcuno pensare a te e che Dio ti benedica per favore aiutami il mio nome Janith la mia e-mail il mio numero di telefono Sri Lanka +94768498970

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