Farm Loans and Crop Insurance Changes and More

Last week, USDA announced important changes to FSA loan programs and federal crop insurance policies. Hopefully, these farm loans and crop insurance changes will provide farmers impacted by the COVID-19 crisis greater flexibility in paying back their current farm loans, applying for emergency loans or advances, and completing required crop insurance reporting to USDA. In this post, we cover changes to FSA service centers, modifications to direct and guaranteed farm loans, and flexibilities made to federal crop insurance. NSAC will continue to push Congress to provide immediate relief to farmers impacted by the crisis and urge the Administration to do whatever they can to keep farmers in business and on their farms. READ MORE
The recently passed CARES Act includes nearly $360 billion in forgivable loans to help small businesses cover expenses that cannot be met due to the unexpected losses in revenue associated with the ongoing pandemic. Two SBA programs – the Paycheck Protection Program and Economic Injury Disaster Loans – were significantly expanded to provide urgent relief for small businesses. Farmers are eligible for PPP, but it remains unclear whether or not SBA will allow farms and other “agricultural enterprises” to receive EIDLs. NSAC and our members will continue to urge SBA to expand eligibility for both programs and look to Congress to rectify this issue in the next emergency relief bill. READ MORE
NSAC’s annual farmer fly-ins provide farmers the opportunity to speak directly with decision makers in Congress about the issues that most affect them. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all travel for the NSAC-sponsored group of “agvocates” had to be halted. Even though Congress and farmers alike feel pulled in many different directions in response to the COVID-19 crisis, the appropriations process for FY21 continues. In response to the crisis and the need to continue advocacy efforts, NSAC hosted its very first “virtual” farmer fly-in. Read our post to learn more about the farmers who called their Members of Congress, the programs they advocated for, and suggestions put forth to support farmers and local food systems during this crisis. READ MORE
Federal funding for food and agriculture public research has stagnated for decades, jeopardizing our future and shortchanging investments needed to improve farm viability, rural vitality, public health, and food security. The current coronavirus crisis, which is linked to a zoonotic disease and affected by food and agriculture, is just one example of how underfunding agricultural research yields depressing outcomes to both health and the economy. This week, 50 national organizations wrote to congressional leadership to urge a substantial increase in FY21 appropriations funding for agricultural research, education, extension, and economics. READ MORE
USDA’s AMS released the RFA for RFSP. Created in the 2018 Farm Bill as part of LAMP, RFSP is a new program that supports foodshed-level approaches to developing regional food economies. The partnership program concept was developed and championed by NSAC in an effort to expand opportunities for local and regional food systems in the 2018 Farm Bill. For 2020, $10 million are available for RFSP grants. Applications must be submitted by May 26, 2020 through Additionally, anyone interested in serving in the peer review panel for RFSP needs to submit an application by May 15, 2020. READ MORE
Are you passionate about creating a more just, sustainable food and farm future? Are you an organizer with a commitment to grassroots leadership? Want to help build national grassroots campaigns around issues like climate change, local food, and beginning farmers, and explore how these issues intersect with racial equity? Are you a creative communicator excited to translate complex policy work into compelling narratives? NSAC is hiring: Grassroots Director: This role represents a unique opportunity to work with hundreds of sustainable food and agriculture community leaders nationwide on shared campaigns that build grassroots power, achieve NSAC’s federal policy goals, and advance racial equity in agriculture and food systems. Learn more about the position and apply here.
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