Farm Jobs in Oregon

Several Farm Jobs inSherwood, Oregon

Community By Design, LLC, has purchased a 58 acre property in Sherwood, Oregon, and is hiring for three positions related to their small farm incubator project. If you’re interested, please contact via e-mail at with your resume or a description of your qualifications and experience. You can also go to: for complete job descriptions and applications.

Full-time, salaried:
Farm Manager Position:
Responsible for day-to-day operations on the farm as well as implementing the processes and systems for resource sharing.  Please see the following documents for details on this position.
Application deadline is October 30, 2011

Part-time or short-term contract jobs:

1) Blueberry Contract Manager — Part-time a one-off and/or ongoing position for the management of the blueberry planting on the farm.

2) Orchard Clean up Job — a one-off contract for Fall 2011 maintenance of apple orchard and other trees on the property.

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