Farm Jobs in Minnesota

Jobs Available on Fruit and Vegetable Farm in Minnesota Year Round

Featherstone Fruits and Vegetables ( has many job openings for the coming season and into the future. They are a 160 acre diversified vegetable farm having both a very active CSA and thriving wholesale markets. They are located in Rushford Minnesota , 2 hours south of St. Paul. These include positions from operating equipment, warehouse management, to productions assistants. We offer year round employment for many positions with the possibility of on-farm housing. They offer competitive wage based on experience, paid time off, all the fresh produce you can handle, fun work environment, and are employers with heart. Please send letter of interest, resume and 3 references to, while they try to keep the list of job openings up to date on their website they usually have more then what are listed. They will continue to have openings until this post is removed and hire all throughout the year.

1 Comment on Farm Jobs in Minnesota

  1. charles mtawali // March 24, 2015 at 10:09 am // Reply

    Im interested in any manual labor jobs at your farm. what position can i apply for?

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