Farm Internships Available in Southern Maryland

Farm Internships Available in Southern Maryland, 2013 The Lamb’s Quarter is a 145acre mixed-use farm located in Calvert County Maryland, approximately seven miles from the Chesapeake Bay and 30 minutes from Washington, D.C. and Annapolis, MD.  The Lamb’s Quarter (TLQ) operates a CSA with 90 members and 2013 will be their 6th season.  In addition to the CSA, TLQ raises cattle, hogs, chickens (laying and broiler), and sheep.  They operate a market stand in Alexandria, VA and are seeking to operate a mid-week market in 2013. TLQ is a regionally recognized sustainable farm, having been recognized by at the county level for its pioneering effort in sustainable agriculture and forestry conservation.  The owners have been interviewed and featured in film and in print in the Southern Maryland region. TLQ currently has two internships available.  The internship runs from May 1, 2013 thru October, 2013. For more details and how to apply click “read more”

Interns are expected to participate in every aspect of the farm – planting, weeding, harvesting, washing, and packing vegetables; processing chickens for meat; gathering and cleaning eggs; rotational grazing of livestock.  Training is provided in all areas of farm life with an emphasis on the development of the whole person. Work hours are determined by the season and the job, but days are generally 10hrs long, 5-6 days per week.

TLQ provides housing and interns eat from the farm (veggies, meat, and eggs).  A small stipend is provided at the end of each month.  The training provided will allow the novice to go onto a 12 month apprentice program.  The outstanding intern will be considered for apprenticeship at TLQ.  Training is given in vegetable production systems, construction of hoop houses, equipment use and maintenance, animal husbandry, and self-sufficiency.

TLQ is very selective.  The potential intern should read through their website (, especially the blogs, in order to get a sense of TLQ’s philosophy.  Interested parties should contact James Bourne at to arrange a personal interview.  Applicants should be physically fit, emotionally stable, and maintain a high level of personal integrity.  Applicants should desire to pursue some type of farming venture in their future.  Mechanical skills are desirable; common sense indispensable.

TLQ will keep the positions open until filled.

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