Farm Internship in California, 2014

Green Uprising Farm is a small, diversified family farm in the Little Lake Valley, just outside Willits, in northern California. They have a half acre in market gardens, including two production hoop houses, plus another two acres of orchard, most of it quite old, with plums, pears and apples. Dairy goats, chickens, cats, and a varied passel of humans, young and old, make up the domestic mammal population. They raise much, but certainly not all, of their subsistence. Sara raises medicinal herbs and turns them into tinctures, salves, and teas. We make their own cheese, bread, tortillas, kombucha, ginger beer, kraut, preserves, and dried fruits and nuts. They're looking for an intern with some experience to help take the market garden operation to the next level in 2014. Currently, they produce year 'round for their local farmers market (which Michael also manages) and occasionally for other markets, restaurants, and their small farm stand. They want to get much better at using their small space fully and efficiently, managing successions, and keeping records. They're looking for someone with a passion for growing things, farm skills, and organizational ability to help fill in the gaps. Love of animals and children should be part of the mix, as well.

Position Description: Intern duties include milking and other animal chores and the whole range of market garden chores – starting seedlings and managing the propagation house, transplanting, preparing beds, making compost, harvest, and marketing. Household chores are expected of everyone – their little house is the “commons” for the farmers, and we prepare meals there and share dinner together. They also have a number of building projects in the works, including natural building as well as conventional techniques, and on-going work on the irrigation system. Help is always appreciated, and there’s lots of learning along the way.

In return, they offer room and board – a small cabin or tent platform, depending on the season and the population, and lots of good, organic food. We prefer longer commitments (three months is their preferred minimum), but also want both sides to have time to try out the position and see if it fits. If it fits well, they may work out a profit sharing arrangement for the right person. Michael is helping set up a small agricultural school nearby patterned on the apprenticeship program at UC Santa Cruz, and there will be significant opportunities for learning and participating there, once the program is fully launched next year. And They’re connected to the new Mendocino Farmers Guild, a network of mostly younger farmers and farm interns that holds monthly get togethers, farm visits, and workshops.

For more information contact Michael at

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