Farm Hands Wanted in Wisconsin

Farm Hands Wisconsin: Prairie Vintage Farms is looking for farm hands for this upcoming growing season. The position will be involved all aspects of the farm operation; including seeding, planting, harvesting, poultry care, property maintenance, and equipment upkeep. We are an organic vegetable and poultry farm (chickens & ducks) on 20 acres just west of Burlington, WI. Most of our sales are to local Restaurants and farmers market. Weekend help is a requirement (alternating). Pay range $11-13+ depending on experience. Please email resume to Please submit resumes ASAP no later than 2/15/16
Do you have any need for farm hands this year or early next year? I have experince pulling and parking Trailers, driving fork lift and JCBs. I have gardening experince and want to be my own hobby farmer at some point in my life but need lots of experience first. I’m not worried about so much as actual training. If I sound like someone you could use or someone else you know could use, please contact me at (920)248-2482