Farm Funding Workshops in Massachusetts

You are invited to attend two farm funding workshops CISA is holding in the coming week (second week of Dec., 2014) on funding opportunities for farms. An RSVP is requested and details are as follows. We hope you can join us!

Understanding Grant Opportunities for Farms

Wednesday, December 10, 6-8pm 
Potpourri Plaza, 243 King Street, Northampton, Room 234
This session will help you decide which grant and incentives programs might be a good fit for your farm. Learn to navigate the application processes for federal and state grant programs, as well as how to write successful grant proposals that speak to funders’ priorities and make a strong case for their support. Melissa Adams from MDAR will discuss state grant programs and grant-writing tips for farms. Vince Snyder from NRCS will explain the range of assistance offered through NRCS programs, and an overview of other federal grant opportunities will be offered. Jeremy Barker-Plotkin ofSimple Gifts Farm will share his experience successfully applying for federal and state grants, as well as reviewing grants. Dinner will be served. Cost to attend is $10 for Local Hero members or $15 for non-members. Please RSVP by Tuesday, December 9th to Kristen at 413-665-7100, ext. 12.

Understanding Loan Opportunities for Farms
Monday, December 15, 6-8:15pm 
Holyoke Community College, 303 Homestead Ave, Holyoke, Kittredge Center Room 303
Looking for help exploring financing opportunities for your farm? This session will provide information on the range of loan programs and business assistance that farm lenders offer, how different lenders work together, and what they each look for in applicants. Presenters will include Myra Marcellin from Farm Credit East, Carrie Novak from the Farm Service Agency (FSA), Rebecca Busansky from the  PVGrows Loan Fund, Alan Singer from the Franklin County CDC, and Benneth Phelps from The Carrot Project. Participants will be invited to take part in brief “speed-dating” meetings with lenders for personalized assistance. Dinner will be served. Cost to attend is $10 for Local Hero members or $15 for non-members. Please RSVP by Friday, December 12th to Kristen at 413-665-7100, ext. 12.

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