Farm Employment Law and You

farm employment law

Agriculture, Labor and the Law – Learning about Farm Employment Law

As farmers, many of us also serve as employers. But how much do we really know about the laws that govern what our responsibilities are in that role. Are we employers when we have summer interns on the farm? What are out federal and state responsibilities when we do so. Here are a couple of opportunities to take yourself out of legal limbo by learning about farm employment law, and the legal status of your internship or apprenticeship.

You can also learn more about farm employment law and the legal status of farm interns by checking out this post from Jason Foscolo, an agriculture lawyer who works extensively with small scale sustainable farmers on issues related to labor among many other things:


Farm Employment Law 101

December 12th, 2017 – 4:00-6:00 pm

University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

285 Old Westport Road

Moot Court Room

Dartmouth, MA 02747

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Join presenter Mary O’Neal, Partner at Conn Kavanaugh and employment law expert, for a workshop that will provide an overview of key employment issues that farmers need to know. From apprenticeships to agricultural minimum wage, the workshop will cover key topics that come up on the farm and provide attendees with an agricultural employment law handbook. It will also include case studies that provide an opportunity to apply the topics to real situations.

Register online at


So You Think Your Apprenticeship is Legal?

January 13th, 2018 – 4:00-5:30 pm

NOFA Mass Winter Conference (Session 3)

Worchester State University

Andrew Dennington, a Partner at Conn Kavanaugh, and an employment law expert will lead an interactive “Legal 101” for farmers who offer hand on learning opportunities on their farms. Drawing on an Agricultural Employment Law booklet developed by New Entry and the Conservation Law Foundation, the session will cover federal and state laws that apply to farmers as employers.

Register for the conference online at:

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