Farm Camp Counselor Job in Vermont

farm camp

Lead Farm Camp Counselor Position: The Department Head sets the tone for her Department by being present and available for fun, support and help where ever needed to campers and counselors. Department Heads are responsible for overseeing all scheduling of activities, safety and evaluations of staff members in their department.  Evaluations will happen once each half of camp unless otherwise directed by the Camp Director.  Department heads will meet periodically with the Program Coordinator to ensure the department is running well and to have the time to get additional support if needed.  At the end of the summer Department Heads will write a report that outlines how the summer went in terms of activities, staff and safety.  The Department Head will also do a complete inventory of supplies and equipment and prepare requisition for new supplies for the next summer.  Department heads are responsible for making sure all repairs needed throughout the summer are done in a timely manner and the any new constructions or repairs over the winter are noted on a maintenance request form.

As a department member of the Garden and Farm, your job will include participating in planning the weekly department schedule, including creative in-camp activities and engaging educational visits to local farms.  You will design appropriate lesson plans that will foster animal husbandry, organic agricultural practices, nutrition and environmental sensitivity for the four daily 45-minute department periods. You may also plan visits to other local organic farms and encourage the Hivers to engage in discussions with the farmers. The animals will need daily care, feeding, and love. Safety must be your foremost concern in caring for the farm animals, and the safety of Hivers while they are in the vicinity of the barn.                     

A leader position like this at camp earns somewhere between $2,110.00 to $3,265.00 depending on their age and year in school.  And depending on experience, the salary in a bit higher.

All your meals are provided.

Housing is provided.

Laundry is done once a week.

Staff live at camp.

The summer work schedule would be June 12 through August 11.  All staff get 5 days off and breaks each day.

Our website is  Once there click on Aloha Hive Camp to learn more about Hive for girls ages 8 to 12.

Individuals interested in the position should contact Kathy Plunkett

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