Farm Business Planning Courses Online

Farm Business Planning Courses at New Entry Sustainable Farming Project - Space still available online!

New Entry Sustainable Farming Project will be offering two versions of its flagship Farm Business Planning Course this ​W​inter. Learn to develop and plan for your farm business in either a classroom setting or a web-based learning environment!

Both courses will cover all aspects of planning for the long-term financial success of your farm business, including how to:

* Select farm enterprises, create enterprise budgets and develop a farm business plan;

* Identify the markets in your area and promote your farm products;

* Find and evaluate the materials, equipment, and additional information and resources you will need as a farmer; and

* Develop a crop production or livestock husbandry plan.

Apply now for either the classroom-based or the online Farm Business Planning Course! Please select which learning style (classroom or online option) works best for you.

Option 1: Classroom-Based Farm Business Planning Course

Dates: ​Tuesday evenings, 6-9 pm. Winter Session: January 6​ – February 24, 2015​.

Location: 155 Merrimack Street, Lowell, MA

Course fee: $400, or sliding scale, based on tuition scholarship application ($80 – $400)

For more information and to apply to the classroom-based course in Lowell, please visit

Questions? Email Sam Anderson at or call 978-654-6745.

Option 2: Online Farm Business Planning Course​, spaces still available, apply now!​

Winter session: January 10 – ​February 28, 2015 Flexible schedule and location

Course fee: $500, or sliding scale, based on tuition scholarship application ($100 – $500)

For more information and to apply to the online course, please visit

Questions? Email Wendy Mainardi at or call 973-224-4321

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