Farm Business Incubator in NY

The Hudson Valley Farm Business Incubator is accepting applications for participation – deadline is June 30th, 2015.

About the Incubator: The Farm Business Incubator is an initiative of Glynwood working to foster the success of new, sustainable farm businesses. The incubator is located on 323 acres of historic farmland owned by the Open Space Institute in New Paltz, NY.  The Farm Business Incubator accepts applications for livestock, value-added, or mixed/diverse enterprises.  Incubator participants are provided with access to land, housing, shared equipment and infrastructure, farm and business mentoring, technical classes and peer learning opportunities. After successfully completing the program, graduates may have the opportunity to transition to long-term land tenure accessed with the assistance of Glynwood and project partners such as OSI.

How to Apply:  Glynwood is accepting proposals for participation through June 30th, 2015. Three incubator participants will be selected in the fall of 2015 to develop their businesses at the incubator for the 2016 season.  Requirements include a minimum of two years of agricultural experience, a demonstrated commitment to sustainable agriculture, a strong business proposal and a completed application form. To apply please visit: or contact Stacy Dedring, Farmer Training Program Manager, at

Glynwood’s Hudson Valley Farm Business Incubator is supported by the Open Space Institute, the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA, Grant #2011-49400-30628) and individual philanthropists.

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