Farm Bill 2012: Congress Fails to Act, Possible Next Steps
According to political insiders, it is unlikely that the five year farm bill will be brought to the house floor prior to the November election, though it is not impossible. And individuals wishing to promote this possibility should contact their legislators individually, or through the Farm Bill Now coalition to advocate for this solution. A second possibility is that the ranking members of the Senate (Stabenow (D-MI), Roberts (R-KS)) and House (Lucas (R-OK), Peterson (D-MN) Agriculture Committee’s could negotiate a farm bill compromise, which is then brought to the floor of each body for a vote. A third, perhaps more likely possibility, is that these four could negotiate a compromise which is then attached to a much larger “must-pass” bill, which goes through in the “lame duck session” between the election and the seating of new members of the House, Senate, and possibly the Presidency, before which the current bill is given an extension so that it’s provisions continue until such action can take place.
Because it is highly unlikely that Congress will simply let the farm bill expire (the consequences would be disastrous for the estimated 1 in 12 Americans whose jobs are in some way tied to agriculture) another possibility involves a one year extension of the current farm bill, in which case the full bill would wait to be passed until next year. Two possibilities exist within this scenario: 1) Congress passes a straight up one year extension, in which case a number of important provisions will expire and remain unfunded for up to a year; or 2) Congress passes an extension with funding for disaster assistance and a number of other programs attached.
Most agriculture organizations, advocates, and policy makers agree that the preferable scenario is the passage of the full 5 year farm bill as soon as possible. If you are of this opinion, then now is the time to act.
By Taylor Reid, founder and administrator.
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