Farm Assistant Manager Jobs in Maryland

Farm Crew PictureAt Groundworks Farm in Pittsville, Maryland Our mission is four fold… 1)  Produce quality and affordable CSA Shares for our members in the Salisbury MD, Annapolis MD, Alexandria VA and Arlington VA areas. 2)  Make our members happier, healthier, and more connected in their communities. Carrots Growing in the Field3) Protect the environment by 1) utilizing organic and responsible farming practices  2) striving to reduce  the carbon footprint  of our food through 100% local sales and 3) implementing several sustainability initiatives. 4) Provide meaningful, fulfilling, and viable careers in agriculture for young people. Groundworks Farm has openings for two Assistant Farm Managers.  Positions begin May/June 2015. -—Job Title: Administrative, and Field Crew Assistant Manager Description: Assist with purchasing and keeping inventory of all farm supplies and Margaret’s Local Farm Store inventory. Assist with administrative tasks. Assist with marketing and deliveries. Assist in management of  harvesting and other field crew duties. Other duties as needed. -—Job Title: Butcher Shop, Egg Production, and Greenhouse Assistant Manager Description: Assist in management of all Butcher Shop activities. Assist in management of pastured swine operation. Assist in management of pastured egg operation. Assist in Management of Greenhouses. Member of the Harvest / Field Crew. Other duties as needed. 

Assistant Manager Requirements:
-This is a tobacco-free farm.  Tobacco users need not apply.
-Must have a Bachelors Degree
-Must have a positive attitude, a love for physical work, a love of learning, good work ethic, strong organizational skills, and a desire to master any task.
-These positions require a minimum time commitment through December 2016.

Assistant Manager Compensation:

-Generous salary commensurate with experience
-1 Whole Farm Share
-4 Weeks paid vacation, 1 week during summer-3 weeks during January or February

To Apply:
Send Cover Letter, Resume, and 3 References to

Kevin Brown

Farm Manager
Groundworks Farm
8284 Gumboro Rd
Pittsville MD 21850

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