Farm Asset Builder Program for Farmers in Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan

Only three days left to apply!

In addition to a savings match of up to $2,400, Farm Asset Builder participants will work with Learning Center staff to create an updated business plan and a customized menu of financial management classes and workshops tailored to their particular business needs. Reimbursement up to $200 is provided for these educational opportunities, which can include individual mentoring, Quickbooks and other bookkeeping training, farm financials workshops, and more.

For more information,  click here or send an e-mail to

Meet a FAB 2014 Participant: Radical Root Farm 

Radical Root Organic FarmLocated on about eight beautiful acres across from a forest preserve and adjacent to a bike trail in Libertyville, IL, Radical Root Farm is owned and operated by Alison Parker and Alex Needham, 2013 Beginning Farmers of the Year and 2014 Farm Asset Builder participants.

Alison and Alex joined the FAB program because they want to make their farm a viable and sustainable business that can pay them a livable wage. Like many beginning farmers, when they started their own business they knew a great deal about production but not as much as they could have about managing a business. Incentivized by the savings match, they have worked with a specialist and taken classes aimed at putting their record keeping and accounting on a more solid footing. This work has enabled them to clarify their plans to meet their financial goals. “It made me feel like we’re on the right track to being a better business,” says Alison.

To Apply:

  1. Please take the  Eligibility Quiz to see if you qualify. If you qualify, we invite you to apply for the program!
  2.  Click here for the application form. Do not wait; the application deadline is December 15.
  3. As applications are received, qualified candidates will be contacted for an interview process, which can be completed online, by phone, or in person.

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