Farm Apprentice needed for 2013 season in Colorado

Farm Apprentice needed for 2013 season in Colorado.  July/August- October/November Contact : Jason Griffith, Erin Dreistadt  Please email with inquiries. Location:  8020 Hygiene Rd. Longmont , CO 80503 (near Boulder, Colorado) Apprentice description:  The apprentices have a chance to experience the entire farm entity from seed to harvest to market. You live and breathe the farm and it is wonderful and challenging!  Work schedule will be M- F, 8-10 hrs/day plus Farmers Market on Saturday. Educatinal Opportunities:   Apprentices will be involved in all aspects of the farm: planting seeds, transplanting, weeding/thinning, pruning, pest control, irrigation, harvesting, cooling/packing, BD preparations, CSA and farmers market sales.  Apprentices will also have the opportunity to visit nearby farms to get a diverse perspective of local farm practices. To be immersed in the whole farm for an entire season is truly an exceptional experience and is the only true way to get a taste for the life of farming. You will come to appreciate weather, soil, water, and work in entirely new ways.  You will live and breathe the FARM!!  Though we farm because we love it, we also run a sound business operation in order to be a sustainable entity.  We feel that the business aspect is just as important for the apprentice to learn.  Expect to be challenged! To find out more, read on...

Work Experience/Skills Desired: Apprenticeship positions at Aspen Moon Farm are meant for those with previous farm experience and for those wishing to pursue a career in farming.  Those interested in hobby gardening will not fit this position.  This is serious work and demands a person who is strong in physical body, mind, and spirit. Physical demands are high and involve long hours of work in all kinds of weather including rain, snow, wind, and dry heat; sometimes with prevalent mosquitoes too.  Apprentices are expected to arrive ready to work with appropriate attire and the means to meet other personal needs.  A  one-month trial period will be followed by an evaluation to see if this is a good fit for both you and the farm.  Work weeks will be 5 days of 8-10 hour plus Farmers Market on Saturday.  Daily farm chores, such as animal care and opening hoop houses may be additional work.

Meals:   Access to farm produce and eggs.  You take care of groceries and cooking in a nice shared kitchen.

Stipend:  Apprentices living on the Farm are paid a monthly stipend between $500-$800/mo plus share of the produce, eggs and honey as available. Apprentices who have chosen to live in town are paid more.

Housing:  We currently have 2 spots in a 2 bedroom  on-site small farm house that includes a communal kitchen, bath and living area. The house is newly remodeled and sits on the 19 acre parcel across the street from the home farm.  Additional space for camping is available with use of the farm house communal areas.

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