Farm and Nursery Internship in North Carolina

farm and nursery

Farm and Nursery Internship at Winding Stair Farm in North Carolina – 2021


Winding Stair Farm is a diverse vegetable, livestock and garden center operation located in Franklin, North Carolina. We specialize in annual vegetable production for on-site sales, farmer’s markets, and a CSA. We manage propagation of edible nursery plants and production of a diverse range of animal products that are sold locally. The farm is also home to a flock of Icelandic sheep as well as various poultry, which are cared for by our livestock manager. The appropriate candidate will find this to be a unique immersive experience, with wide ranging opportunities in a fun/upbeat atmosphere.

We are a very small group taking on a wide variety of responsibilities daily. The combination of the farm and nursery operations provide a very unique experience, but also require a flexible and broadly-talented person. Some days may be rough, but we always find a way to laugh through it and get things done. We strive to maintain a productive work environment, but we also have found we work best when we are jovial and feeling happy

Franklin, NC is a gateway town to the Smoky Mountains as well as one of the first significant stops on the Appalachian Trail for northbound hikers. It is growing increasingly popular with young folks and families with its local rivers, lakes, and trails that attract kayakers, hikers, and other adventure enthusiasts.

Farm and Nursery Internship Description:

Our team is seeking a motivated apprentice to join us in the 2021 Season. Previous farming experience is a plus, but not required. Our ideal candidate would possess a range of qualities, all of which are required.

  • A passionate interest and desire to learn the skills to farm as a career or serious lifestyle.
  • Attention to detail.
  • Willingness to learn.
  • A positive attitude.
  • The ability to see a task to completion within a team-oriented atmosphere.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Seeding, planting, weeding and fertility maintenance of our field crops.
  • Packing and processing vegetables, cut flowers and herbs.
  • Assisting in propagation and ongoing care of our nursery plant starts. From seed to sale.
  • Help with field observation, irrigation, and crop planning.
  • Contributing to farmer’s market sales and CSA distribution.
  • Interacting with our nursery guests and answering their growing questions when on site.
  • Site management (i.e., mowing, weed eating and some construction with guidance)

Qualifications & Eligibility

  • Valid driver’s license and transportation.
  • Strong agricultural interest
  • Physically and mentally fit
  • Responsible
  • Goal oriented
  • Understanding and a sense of urgency
  • Ability to take initiative and to work efficiently and independently
  • Ask questions – be curious
  • Strong observational skills and values


  • Internship lasts from March to Mid-September
  • This position will require 40+ hours per week.
  • We work in rain, shine, snow, or storms, as necessary to safely protect, care for and harvest our crops.
  • Time off is available and will be arranged between apprentice and farm manager in advance.

Pay and Compensation

  • $125 per week + gas stipend, TBA
  • Accommodation with utility bills paid by farm
  • Fresh food from our operation
  • An experience-based education from seasoned growers, difficult to obtain in a school setting.

How to Apply for the Farm and Nursery Internship


Winding Stair Farm does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), ge;;;nder, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, guests and clients.


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