Farm and Food Leadership Conference – Austin, TX

4th Annual Farm & Food Leadership Conference, “Taking Back Control of Our Food Supply”.

Jim Hightower will be keynote speaker, and the lunches will be prepared with local, sustainably raised foods.

Monday and Tuesday, September 13-14, 2010
WHERE: Mexican-American Cultural Center, 600 River Street, Austin, TX 78701
WHAT: An exciting gathering of activists, farmers & ranchers, consumers, and nonprofits who care about the state of our food and food choices.  Come learn about the latest developments in agriculture and food, and get the tools you need to help make a difference!

For more information, visit

TOPICS and SPEAKERS: * Keynote, Jim Hightower; * Genetically Modified Foods, Howard Vlieger, FARFA; * Codex: What’s happening with supplements? Scott Tipps, National Health Federation; * Update from D.C., Patty Lovera, Food & Water Watch; * Food Policy Councils, Marla Camp, Edible Austin; * How to Develop an Effective Message, Colin Rowan, Rowan Communications; * National Animal ID System: What Has Changed? Judith McGeary, FARFA; * How to Lobby; * Getting Food From Farm to Table: Distribution Issues; * Land and Water Use Issues; And more!  The full list will be posted on the conference page soon.

REGISTRATION: Go to to register online or download a registration form and mail it to P.O. Box 809, Cameron, TX 76520.

SPONSORS : Edible Austin; Edible Dallas-Ft Wort; Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance; Growing Good Things to Eat; Sustainable Food Center; Texas Organic Farmers & Gardeners Association; Wheatsville Co-op

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