Farm and Community Health Internship – MI

farm and community health internship

Farm and Community Health Internship for College Credit – The Farm at St. Joes – Ann Arbor, MI

Farm Program Description

The Farm at St. Joseph Mercy Health System uses sustainable agricultural practices to produce a diverse array of vegetables year-round in our three hoop houses and outdoor space. Vegetables are sold at our hospital farmers’ market, provided to patients at numerous clinics, and distributed through our St. Joe’s Farm Share program. The Farm Share is a collaborative “community supported agriculture” program, which sources fruits and vegetables from local farms and provides weekly boxes of produce to over 170 participants. A section of the program targets families experiencing food insecurity, and weekly share distribution includes educational components related to food preparation and nutrition.

Farm and Community Health Internship Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Actively participate in all aspects of sustainable vegetable production and Farm Share programming
  • Supervise, assist, and direct Farm volunteers of all ages
  • Create educational materials to accompany vegetables distributed to clinics and Farm Share members (e.g., vegetable storage tips, information about Farm programming, healthy recipes)
  • Develop and implement supplemental educational offerings (e.g., cooking classes, recipe samples)

Time commitment:

  • Flexible start date, May preferred
  • Flexible end date, through August preferred
  • 8 hrs/day, Monday -Thursday

How to Apply for the Farm and Community Health Internship:

Applications should include the following and should be submitted as a single PDF:

  1. Cover letter, which includes start date availability and addresses the following questions: What are your professional goals? How will this internship prepare you for your professional goals? What unique perspective will you bring to The Farm at St. Joe’s community?
  2. Resume

**Please note that interns must be currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program and must receive credit for their participation (i.e., this internship should count toward the intern’s degree).**

If interested, please send your application to:

Liz Tylander, Farm Program Manager,

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, so submit your application today!


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