Fall Farm Field Days from NOFA New York

NOFA NY – Fall Farm Field Days 2016
Horse-Powered Haymaking Demonstration
Location: Northland Sheep Dairy, 3501 Hoxie Gorge, Freetown Rd, Marathon, NY 13803
Start Date: August 06, 2016
End Date: August 07, 2016
Start Time: 9:00AM
End Time: 3:00PM
This two-day event will focus on making hay with horses. Day one is a hands-on mowing workshop that runs from 9 am – 4 pm. This workshop will be limited to six people, and participants will learn how to run horse-drawn mowers. Basic teamster skills are required.
Soil Health and Fertility for Perennial Tree Crops
Location: Westwind Orchard, 215 Lower Whitfield Rd, Accord, NY 12404
Start Date: August 11, 2016
End Date: August 11, 2016
Start Time: 11:00AM
End Time: 4:00PM
Managing orchard fertility is about more than just fertilizer. Your orchard soil is a giant digestive engine, chewing up carbon, nitrogen, and minerals to feed not only your trees but the soil food web. This workshop will cover the basics of understanding your soil and what you can do to improve the soil’s health, biology, and overall vitality to grow better fruit. Read more…
Location: Freeville Organic Research Farm at the HC Thompson Vegetable Research Farm, 133 Fall Creek Rd, Freeville, NY
Start Date: August 17, 2016
End Date: August 17, 2016
Start Time: 4:00PM
End Time: 7:00PM
Join the Cornell Reduced Tillage Team for this in-depth field study of strategies to improve soil health in organic vegetables. Our field tour will highlight current research on integrating cover crops and reducing tillage for farms at multiple scales. We will demonstrate strip tillage for small-scale farmers and review impacts of new mulching and covering cropping techniques on weeds and crops. Read more…
Location: Four Winds Farm, 158 Marabac Rd, Gardiner, NY 12525
Start Date: August 23, 2016
End Date: August 23, 2016
Start Time: 1:00PM
End Time: 4:00PM
To keep the earth’s average temperature from rising less than 2 degrees, reducing emissions from fossil fuels is not enough. We have to take carbon out of the air—and where better to put it than in the soil where it serves as organic matter, feeds our crops, holds moisture and reduces runoff ? Read more…
The 22nd Annual Buckwheat Field Day
Location: Jones’ Farm, 2943 Rt 96A, Interlaken, NY 14874
Start Date: August 24, 2016
End Date: August 24, 2016
Start Time: 1:00PM
End Time: 3:00PM
David Jones has many decades of experience raising buckwheat. He has one of the most advanced buckwheat operations going, typically raising 100 acres or so each year. David has developed ways to get consistently good yields and high seed quality.
This field day will include ideas on fertility management, pollinators, and harvesting technique. The field day is free and open to the public. NOFA-NY is cosponsoring this event with Cornell University, Birkett Mills and Seedway Inc. Read more…
Marketing a Diverse Farm from Pricing to Production
Location: Lakestone Family Farm, 1089 Co Rd 28, Shortsville, NY 14548
Start Date: August 24, 2016
End Date: August 24, 2016
Start Time: 3:00PM
End Time: 6:00PM
Take a walk with Dennis Lepel at Lakestone Family Farm as we take a look at how he markets his diverse farm from production to pricing. Dennis grows a wide variety of vegetables, produces pasture-raised eggs and chickens which he markets through local farm markets and his CSA. Read more…
Location: Yoder Farm, 4841 Nelson Rd, Cazenovia NY 13035
Start Date: August 31, 2016
End Date: August 31, 2016
Start Time: 10:00AM
End Time: 2:30PM
NOFA-NY and Organic Valley invite you to learn how to make milk with a no-grain feed ration. Our host Mark Yoder will provide a tour of his pasture setup, and share his insights on maintaining milk production and animal health in a grass-fed dairy production system. Read more…
Location: Moore Farms, 2083 Moore Hill Rd, Nichols, NY 13812
Start Date: September 01, 2016
End Date: September 01, 2016
Start Time: 10:00AM
End Time: 2:30PM
Join NOFA-NY and Organic Valley for a grass-based field day on Moore Farms. Our hosts Rob and Pam Moore will share their grass-based management system and provide a tour of their farm.
Organic Valley Ruminant Nutritionist Silvia Abel-Caines will discuss nutritional requirements in grassbased dairy systems to maintain energy levels to support reproduction and to maintain milk production.
Rob and Pam Moore operate a spring seasonal dairy on 350 acres. They have been 100% grassfed and certified organic since 1996. Rob Moore was one of the pioneers of this approach to dairying, so this should be a particularly enlightening field day.
Registration cost is $15/person or $25/farm. This field day is sponsored by Organic Valley. Lunch will be provided. Registration is complimentary for Organic Valley members: please use the registration code OVmember when preregistering.
To view the event website and register, click here or call 585-271-1979.
Register for this Fall Farm Field Day here ; Read more here…
Diversify Your Marketing: Managing Grass Dairy and Meeting Consumer Needs
Location: Sunny Cove Farm, 1444 Randolph Rd, Alfred Station, NY 14803
Start Date: September 12, 2016
End Date: September 12, 2016
Start Time: 10:30AM
End Time: 2:30PM
NOFA-NY welcomes you to join us at Sunny Cove Farm for a two-part field day to learn about marketing your farm products. Read more…
Creating Learning Environments on Working Farms
Location: Hudson Valley Farm Hub, 1875 Mountain Rd, Hurley, NY 12443
Start Date: September 14, 2016
End Date: September 14, 2016
Start Time: 5:00PM
End Time: 7:30PM
Join us at the Hudson Valley Farm Hub for this twilight meeting to explore farmer and apprentice relationships. How can farmers and apprentices co-create a learning environment that hones their skills and meets their farming goals? Read more…
Hope you can join us for one or more of these exciting Farm Field Days!
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