Exploring The Small Farm Dream Workshop

Exploring the Small Farm Dream

Exploring the Small Farm Dream: Is Starting an Agricultural Business Right for You? Presented by Cornell University Cooperative Extension of Broome County

When: Tuesdays, 5-8pm; from October 3rd-Oct 24th 2017

Where: 840 Upper Front St, Binghamton, NY 13905

During this four part series participants will begin to think through small scale farming as a business (rather than a hobby), learn what it takes to start and manage a farm business and decide whether that is something they want to pursue. Through in-classroom education, peer support and self-study participants will finish the series being to answer whether farming is for them, and move onto working through a business plan.

The cost to attend the Exploring the Small Farm Dream workshop is $75/farm or family and includes two registrations. Special preference will be given to NYS veterans and scholarships may be available to offset travel costs. This includes a workbook to walk through the four-part decision making phase, as well as refreshments provided at each meeting. Pre-registration is required. To register for the workshop, visit  Hope to see you there!

If you have questions about the Exploring the Small Farm Dream Workshop Contact:

Laura Biasillo

Agricultural Economic Development Specialist

Cornell Cooperative Extension of Broome County

(607) 584-5007 – Phone

(607) 723-5951 – Fax

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Cornell Cooperative Extension is an employer and educator recognized for valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities and provides equal program and employment opportunities.

Please contact the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Broome County office if you have any special needs.
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Broome County is supported by public and private funding. Primary cooperating partners are the County of Broome, the State of New York and SUNY’s Land Grant Colleges at Cornell University, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

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