Events in Michigan: Canning, Permaculture, Mushrooms, More

Apricot Canning Workshop

Thursday, August 5th, 5:30pm to 8:30pm
Including best practices with Jennifer Berkey from MSU Extension
King Orchards, 4620 N M-88, Central Lake

Come learn how to can apricots, or if you know how, come join in the fun of a community canning party. The workshop is limited to 8 participants. You will need to bring your own canning jars and lids. Each participant will go home with 6 quarts of apricots. Jennifer Berkey of Grand Traverse MSU Extension will give a presentation on canning safety. There will be take-home recipes, handouts, and other canning resources available. Contact Yvonne at ISLAND or 231-480-4515 for more information. $15

Dilly Beans and Cucumber Pickling Workshop

Thursday, August 12th, 5:30pm to 8:30pm
Birch Point Farm, 7506 E. Birch Point Rd, Traverse City

Come learn how to make and can green bean and cucumber pickles; or if you know how, come join in the fun of a community canning party. The workshop is limited to 8 participants. You will need to bring your own canning jars and lids. Each participant will go home with 4 quarts of cucumber pickles and 4 pints of dilly beans. There will be take-home recipes, handouts, and information on best practices, and other canning resources available, courtesy of Jennifer Berkey of Grand Traverse MSU Extension. Contact Yvonne at ISLAND yvonne@artmeetsearth.orgor 231-480-4515 for more information. $15

Jaki and Rob Roy 3-Day Cordwood Masonry Workshop
Friday, Saturday and Sunday, August 20th to 22nd
A partnership with Friends of Bay View
North M-88, Eastport

SOLD OUT! Contact Yvonne at to be added to the waiting list. Jaki and Rob Roy of Earthwood Building School are coming to Northern Michigan to teach a 3-day hands-on cordwood masonry workshop. More information here.

Northwest Michigan Mushroom Forays

Saturday, August 28th, 9:30am to noon

A partnership of Grass River Natural Area and ISLAND
We will meet at Grass River Natural Area and then carpool/caravan to the hunt location.

Come take a walk in the woods to learn more about mushrooms and fungi. We’ll be searching for early fall mushrooms. Meeting monthly in the woods of Antrim and Kalkaska counties. Contact GRNA at or 231-533-8314 or Yvonne at ISLAND or 231-480-4515 for more information. $5

PLEASE NOTE: The August 1 Northwest Michigan Mushroom Forays event has been canceled.

Peter Bane and Keith Johnson Permaculture Weekend
Saturday and Sunday, August 28th and 29th
Workshops 1 to 5pm; Evening Talks 7 to 9pm

A weekend of hands-on workshops and evening talks Full details here.

Workshops will take place at Birch Point Farm, 7506 E. Birch Point Rd, Traverse City (Leelanau County)
Evening talks will take place at Higher Grounds Trading Company, 806 Red Drive, Grand Traverse Commons, Traverse City

Peter Bane and Keith Johnson of Permaculture Activist Magazine

are coming to Northern Michigan to share their permaculture expertise. For 25 years, Permaculture Activist has strived to supply information which enables people everywhere to provide for their own and their communities’ needs for food, energy, shelter, a decent life without exploitation or pollution and from the smallest practical area of land.

Weekend Schedule:
Saturday, August 28th
Workshop: The Ecological Homestead: Permaculture Food Production in Small Spaces
Presentation: Introduction to Permaculture Design

Sunday, August 29th
Workshop: The Ecological Farm: Permaculture for Big Spaces
Presentation: Gardening in Nature’s Image: Guild Design and Pest Management in the Home Garden

Contact Yvonne at ISLAND at 231-480-4515 or for more information or to preregister. Cost for workshops is sliding scale $25-$75
Donations of any amount accepted at evening talks.

Thanks to our sponsors!

Fox on a Hill

Eden Foods

Fernand Footwear

Neahtawanta Research and Education Center

Grocers Daughter

Green Island

Oikos Tree Crops

The May Farm

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