EPA Call for Brownfield Assessment and Cleanup – Pilot Program

EPA announces the availability of grant funds and direct assistance (through Agency contract support) and solicits proposals from eligible entities to facilitate community involvement in area-wide planning approaches to brownfields assessment, cleanup and subsequent reuse. Area-wide planning grant funding and technical assistance will be directed to brownfields-impacted areas, such as a neighborhood, district, city block or corridor. The grant funding and direct assistance will result in an area-wide plan which will inform the assessment, cleanup and reuse of brownfields properties and promote area-wide revitalization. EPA anticipates selecting approximately 20 pilot projects through this competitive opportunity. The deadline for proposal receipt (postmarked hard copy or via email) is June 1, 2010.

EPA is soliciting these proposals under section 104(k)(6) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), as amended under the Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act (Brownfields Law).

Interested in Applying for Funding?

Webinar for Applicants:

  • EPA will be hosting a webinar for applicants interested in submitting a proposal for the new Brownfields Area-Wide Planning Pilot Program on Tuesday, April 13, 2010 from 3:00-4:00 pm EST. There is no pre-registration for the webinar.
  • The URL will take the viewer to the page “Collaboration Suite Real-Time Collaboration”. On the right side you will see a box “Join Conference” once there, enter the Web Conference ID 59200 and Your Name. You will then be allowed to join the Conference

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