Eat Local and Organic Expos Kansas and Missouri

Local Foods

Eat Local and Organic Expos – Free Admission and Free Parking

Saturday, March 28, 2015 (9:00 am ­ 2:00 pm) – Johnson County Community College Gym, 12345 College Blvd, Oak Park, Kansas

Saturday, April 11, 2015 (9:30 am ­ 2:30 pm) – Penn Valley Community College Gym, 3201 Southwest Trafficway, Kansas City, Missouri

The Kansas City Food Circle kicks off the growing season with the 17th annual Eat Local and Organic Expos. T​hese events will provide KC with a chance to get to know some of the KCFC Member Farmers who grow their food. V​isitors can buy local, organic produce; free­range meat, eggs and dairy; and vegetable seedlings for home gardening. The Expos are also a great place to sign up for Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), where consumers can buy their food directly from farmers.

This year’s Expos feature a workshop called​“Little Sprouts: The Joy and Wonder of Learning How Things Grow.” Dayna McDaniel of SeedSavers­KC​welcomes kids of all ages to this introduction to seeds, pollination, fruit production, and seed harvest. K​ids will plant a pot of seeds to grow at home.​This hands­on activity reveals the magic of gardening to kids and parents alike. The workshop runs from 10:00-­10:45 am at both Expos.

All visitors receive a free 2​015 KC Food Circle Directory of Farmers ​with detailed information on KCFC Member Farmers and organic farmers markets. P​urchase raffle tickets to win a hearty farm basket with goods from farmers, gift certificates from sponsors, coupons and more. G​uests can also join the KC Food Circle as a member. Membership benefits include invitations and discounts to farm events, food classes, and the 2​015 Eat Local & Organic Dining Card​ which provides a one­time 10% discount at 15 area restaurants.

Two food trucks ­ Plantain District and Wilma’s Good Food ­ will be in the parking lot ready to serve up some delicious local food.

“The Expos are a breath of fresh air after our dismal midwestern winter; I stock up on the fresh greens I’ve been missing and I grab up some more plants for my garden. I also love getting the chance to talk to my farmers in person who work so hard to feed my family healthy, delicious food,” said Michelle Cohen, health coach.

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