Domestic Fair Trade Gathering in MA

domestic fair trade
 5th  Annual Northeast Gathering on Domestic Fair Trade

Friday Afternoon 1:30 – 4:30 pm     August 9, 2019 

Franklin Patterson Hall Faculty Lounge at Hampshire College, Amherst, Mass.

Presented by the Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA) Domestic Fair Trade Committee

This summer’s Free Open Meeting–our fifth consecutive annual Domestic Fair Trade gathering—is once again held in conjunction with the Northeast Organic Farmers Association (NOFA’s) Summer Conference and hosted by NOFA’s Domestic Fair Trade Committee.

We invite activists who are engaged in projects and organizing efforts that come under the broad heading of Domestic Fair Trade to share our work and ideas; to strengthen that focus; to meet potential fellow collaborators; and to discuss possible collaboration for the immediate future. 

We welcome farm workers, farmers, food system workers, processors, manufacturers, worker organizers, farmer organizers, cooperative organizers, visionaries, and allies across the food chain. Consider attending if your work (paid or volunteer) involves the rights of labor; living wages; fair prices; ethical trading; family scale farming; addressing historical inequities; & making the food system socially just, sustainable, and humane.

Our mix of attendees assures a strong update of the current state of the landscape in our region: who is working with whom; and what may be the most promising areas for collaboration moving forward. Won’t you join us?

Domestic Fair Trade Gathering Agenda

Welcome, Giving thanks

Part 1 Extended Reports:

     Agricultural Justice Project’s Northeast Campaign—Louis Battalen;

     CATA-The Farmworkers’ Support Committee—Jessica Culley;

     CISA-Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture—Margaret Christie;;

     FairTradeUSA—Nathalie Marin-Gest;

     Labor Committee of the Park Slope Food Co-op—Richard Mandelbaum;

     Migrant Justice / Milk With Dignity Standard Council—Marita Canedo;

     NOFA-NY—Elizabeth Henderson;

     Pioneer Valley Workers Center—Gabriella della Croce

     Tufts University Sustainable Diets Project—Hugh Joseph;

     U S Dept of Labor, Wage & Hour Division—Patricia Colarossi

Short Break

Part 2- Open Discussion


The all-afternoon Spanish/English meeting is free;

Communal meal at College Dining Commons w locally-sourced, organic fare

follows beginning at 5 pm ($20.00)          


Pre-registration appreciated, so please contact your hosts, Committee members

Liz Henderson or Louis Battalen


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