Do Cover Crops Help Farmers Save? and More

Do Cover Crops Help Farmers Save?, Call to Action on Climate Crisis, and Resolution Honors 1890’s Land Grants this Week in the Roundup from the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC)
Do Cover Crops Help Farmers Save?
Last month, USDA’s Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program published a report analyzing the results of their 2019-2020 Cover Crop Survey that assesses the benefits, challenges, yield impacts, and scale of adoption of cover crops across the United States.
Though it was once an annual development, this is the first survey conducted in three years by the Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC) with financial support from SARE and the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA). Do Cover Crops Help Farmers Save? Learn more about our key findings in the report by clicking below:
Thousands of Farmers Sign Congressional Call to Action on the Climate Crisis
Last week, The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC) delivered a letter with over 2,130 signatures from farmers and ranchers across the country to the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis.
Signatories of the letter shared stories of how climate change affected their lives and spoke of their commitment to be part of the climate solution. They urged legislators to continue their work in Congress to support programs and increase conservation incentives to help farmers and ranchers actively mobilize against the climate crisis. Check out what our farmer panelists had to say and learn about what actions you can take in our blog below:
Fudge, Adams, Colleagues Introduce Resolution Honoring the 130th Anniversary of 1890s Land Grant Universities
Rep. Marcia L. Fudge (OH-11) joined Reps. Alma Adams (NC-12), Frank Lucas (OK-3), Sanford Bishop (GA-2), and Mark Walker (NC-6) in introducing a bipartisan resolution “expressing the sense of Congress that August 30, 2020, be observed as the 130th anniversary of the 1890 Institutions.”
“For 130 years, the 1890 Land Grant Universities have promoted prosperity in underserved communities and expanded educational opportunities to millions of students of color and first-generation college students,” said Rep. Fudge. “These 19 Historically Black Colleges and Universities, including Central State University in my home state of Ohio, play a critical role in making critical scientific discoveries in food, farming, plant and animal health, and other important areas of agricultural research. It is befitting to recognize our HBCUs with a Congressional resolution honoring 130 years of excellence in education, science and agricultural research.” Read the full press release below:
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