Dairy Farm Interns Wanted – Tennessee, Fall 2012

McBee Dairy Farm in Mascot, Tennessee is taking applications for 2012 fall interns. They now have living quarters. They would love to have a married couple but we are willing to take on two males or females at a time. All applicants must be 18 years of age or older. They offer full room and partial board, food from the farm, and $100 a month stipend with plenty of room for advancement. Term:  Minimum of 3 months with a 7 day trial period. Here are the areas that they would like to teach you about and let you help them in so they can focus on other areas: 1) Raising chicks and pastured poultry. This includes the broader care, moving pens in the field, and processing the chickens; 2) Raising chickens for sanitizing the field and egg production. Caring for, moving in the field and building new shelter structures; 3) Cows and calves. This includes milking, clean up, fencing, and pasture rotations; 4) Separating cream, making butter, butter milk, yogurt and cheese; 5) Goats: milking, fencing, and caring for; 6) Piggerator Pork, fencing through the woods; 7) General maintenance. Picking up, weed eating, mowing ect.; 8) Hay making; 9) House building; 10) They market straight to the consumer so you will also get experience in consumer relations, marketing and delivering. If you are interested, click "Read More" to find out how to apply.

If you would like to come to their farm to intern please fill out this questionnaire and send it to or call Jason at 865-898-0700.

1) Name

2) Address

3) Phone

4) Age

5) Interest

6) Strengths

7) Weaknesses

8) Why would we love to have you here at our farm?

They want bright eyed, self-starter, positive, non-complaining, grateful, dependable, faithful, clean-cut, willing to work hard and learn men and women. What you get out of this experience depends on what you put in it. There is a lot to learn and a lot to do.

1 Comment on Dairy Farm Interns Wanted – Tennessee, Fall 2012

  1. We are now looking for a family that would like to live and work on the farm full time.

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