Dairy Apprenticeship at Camphill Village

Dairy Apprenticeship at Camphill Village in Kimberton Hills Pennsylvania – 2019 (Fall)
Kimberton Hills Dairy is a certified organic, pasture based dairy using biodynamic principles and methods, embedded in an intentional community that includes adults with developmental disabilities. The community, Camphill Village Kimberton Hills, includes other agricultural workshops, such as the Sankanac CSA, the Kimberton Hills orchard and the Estate crew, as well as several craft studios (weavery, bakery, mosaic, etc). We direct market most of our products in the local community. Our community has a very lively, participatory cultural life.
Within the community’s 432 acres of gardens, fields and woodlands, the dairy manages 210 acres of pastures and hay fields. The dairy manages a pastured milking herd, dry cows and young stock — in total around 90 cows. We also have a flock of laying hens. We grow forage and bedding crops for the animals.
Participants in the Dairy Apprenticeship at Camphill Village learn to perform many key tasks on our dairy, beginning with milking and animal care, maintenance of fences, pastures, buildings and equipment, bottling and sales of milk and eggs and other products. Gradually, they learn to do tractor work to manage field crops and learn to manage other aspects of a dairy, such as acquiring supplies, dealing with special animal health needs, finances, etc.
Kimberton Hills Dairy is a mentor farm with PASA’s Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship program. Apprentices receive hands-on training in grassfed dairy production as well as biodynamic methods. After 6 months, if the apprentice is interested, we offer the opportunity to enroll in the Biodynamic Association’s Farmer Training Foundation Year.
Apprentices have their own room in a lifesharing village house, living alongside other volunteers as well as our friends with disabilities. Meals happen at regular times and are shared as a household. Apprentices receive room and board, free access to village vehicles, and a monthly stipend. They will receive health coverage after 3 months. Apprentices are scheduled on the Dairy full-time including at least 3 early morning milkings; they may be asked to sometimes help in their household. They have one full day per week off, not necessarily on the weekend, and 21 days of vacation per year.
For more information about the Dairy Apprenticeship at Camphill Village or to apply, folks should email us at information@camphillkimberton.org or call (610) 935-3963.
- Learn more about farming and food jobs and internships, or learn how to post a job, internship, or apprenticeship opportunity on beginningfarmers.org by going to https://www.beginningfarmers.org/internship-and-employment-opportunities/
- Find additional farming resources at https://www.beginningfarmers.org/additional-farming-resources/
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