CSA Farm Internships in Delaware

Planting Soil BlocksThe Kranz Hill Farm CSA, in Newark, Delaware, is seeking to hire two full-time interns for the 2015 season, with a stipend up to $1000/month. The Kranz Hill Farm CSA grows a wide variety of vegetables, all without the use of synthetic herbicides, pesticides, or fertilizers, for a hundred member CSA, and wholesale and retail markets. They are seeking interns to give a strong start to the season, and continue through the height of harvesting and distribution.  Two positions are available, each for at least three months, the first beginning in March, and the second beginning in May or June. Wheel Hoe on Organic FarmInterns will be expected to work 35 to 40 hours/week. The internship will require consistent vigorous physical activity and some experience in gardening or farming. Interns will be involved in all aspects of working on a small-scale farm, from propagation in the greenhouse, to bed preparation with flame weeder and wheel hoe, to pest management with row cover and backpack sprayers, to putting in structures like drip irrigation and trellises, to harvest and washing for distribution. An intern may also be expected to help direct and manage occasional volunteers.

Because the farm is very small, interns will usually work either one-on-one with the head farmer, or alone. The education is informal, consisting of daily repetition of and encounter with the aspects of farming, along with frequent explanations of what is going on, and why. The farmers explicitly welcome and encourage questions throughout the course of the internship. The farm has been in operation for five years, and they are glad to share their knowledge and experience with interested people.

The farm doesn’t yet have housing available for interns, but will be glad to help a candidate seek housing in the area. For the sake of independence, a bicycle or car is highly recommended. Hours for work can vary according to the intern or the season, but Sundays are always free. The farm offers a stipend of up to $1,000/month, depending on need and ability.

To apply, please e-mail 1) a curriculum vitae, 2) two references, and 3) a brief explanation of why you are interested in the internship. Our e-mail address is If you have any questions, please call at (302) 540 0912. Tjhey are hoping to finally hire an intern by the beginning of February, so please send an application by January 29th.

For more details about the internship, please see the entry at their website:

1 Comment on CSA Farm Internships in Delaware

  1. Since writing this post, the Kranz Hill Farm CSA has added another position for a full-time intern, from May or June through September.

    John Detwiler
    Manager, Kranz Hill Farm CSA

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