CSA Farm and Ranch Internship in Alaska


Talkeetna Grown CSA and Birch Creek Ranch, Talkeetna, Alaska

General Description: This 30 year homestead is on the road but off the grid near Talkeetna, Alaska, with 100 acres of hayfields, greenhouses, and 4 acres of vegetables, potatoes, and berries. The CSA is producing vegetables for share members and direct sales to restaurants and markets for a fourth year. The high tunnels will produce Alaskan sweet corn, squash and early season produce for a fourth year. Talkeetna is a small Alaska village popular for its access to recreational fishing, hiking, hunting, boating, and flight seeing. It is the center of fly in access for Denali National Park. Internship Dates: April 15, 2014 - Mid October 2014  and May 1 to September 15 some flexibility with dates. Number of Interns: 2            App Deadline: ASAP!/open until filled            Minimum Length of Stay: 3 months

Skills Desired: Basic experience in vegetable growing and CSA or market vegetable operation. Non smokers only. Good driving record and valid driver’s license.

Educational Opportunities: A variety of northern latitude growing methods are used. Several high tunnels are in production and most field plantings use mulched hills for increased soil temperatures. Greenhouse transplants are used for early planting of high tunnels and fields.  Mechanized methods are used for field preparation. Intern will get broad experience with all aspects of CSA and market vegetable production, northern growing techniques, marketing, and assist in evaluation of operation economics.

Stipend: Salary negotiated D.O.E. This is a job.

Room & Board: Dry cabin with cooking facilities provided, shared outhouse and sauna. Cooking facility stocked with staples. Fresh produce is available June 15-September 15.

Preferred method Of Contact: e-mail –

Internship Details: We are a true Alaskan homestead farm having developed 100 acres of hay fields, several greenhouses and high tunnels, and 5 acres of berries and vegetables. Position will work 40-50 hrs per week April 15 through October 15, focusing on vegetable production, harvest, CSA management and sales, with possible assistance with retail flower production and sales. Work as a paid apprentice in all aspects of farm operation and management.  Senior position is great for those with a season of experience looking for advancement in a diverse production operation.  Junior position will gain work experience in all aspects from field planting to market sales.  Duties to include weed management, harvesting, sales, construction and cleanup. Will work around self powered and tractor driven equipment. Must be able to lift 50 lb and maneuver heavy items or power equipment. Will direct volunteer labor in weeding, harvesting, and tending plants and running markets. Knowledge and awareness of basic plant care and needs is required. This is a semi-remote farm with lots of surrounding natural beauty, at the end of an exhausting day, interns may choose to explore, read, socialize with farm family and volunteers, etc. Days off are scheduled around markets but can include time in the local, active town of Talkeetna, local trails and outdoor activities as well as tourist, backpacking, boating, hiking opportunities within a days’ drive of the farm.

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 685, Talkeetna, AK 99676

Contact: Brian Kingsbury



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