Crew Member Jobs on Bellair Farm in Virginia

Crew Member Jobs for the 2017 Season – Hiring Now – Bellair Farm in Virginia
Bellair Farm in Virginia is hiring crew members for the 2017 season! Bellair Farm is a 30 acre vegetable operation just south of Charlottesville, Virginia. Our operation is located on a beautiful 900 acre historic estate. We grow 50+ types of vegetables and serve 500 families through our CSA program. We also have livestock– meat and egg chickens and pork.
Bellair is a production-based farm, with hundreds of pounds of vegetables needing to be harvested, washed, and packed each week. Our CSA is a market-style CSA, so our members are able to choose what goes into their share and we do not pack shares for them. We also offer on-farm CSA pickups and access to our Pick-Your-Own fields for all of our members. We also offer free field trips and volunteer opportunities for community groups and schools. This setup makes for a very dynamic and community-driven work environment.
We employ a crew of around twelve people, and we have a lot of fun while getting all the work done. The work day is long and sometimes hectic. We work in tough conditions, including rain and overwhelming heat. We regularly lift and carry 50-80 lbs. Experience is not required, but a good work ethic and attitude absolutely are.
Crew members will work on a wide variety of tasks around the farm, from planting and weeding to harvesting, washing, and delivering produce. We are looking for people who are very flexible and good natured. At any time, you might be leading a field trip or volunteer group, cleaning out a chicken coop, weeding in 90 degree heat or heading to a farmer’s market.
Crew positions begin as early as March 1 and can go as late as November. We can be a little flexible with start and end dates. We have two types of positions available: with or without housing. Our housing positions come with a $350/week stipend and a requirement of full-time (5 days, 50 hrs/week) hours. Housing candidates will also need to commit to the full season. For crew members not needing housing, we offer a starting wage of $10/hour and can offer part-time through full-time hours. All full time employees get sick time and one week paid vacation in addition to free vegetables and eggs.
We offer crew members access to all our farm records, including crop plans, soil tests, and budgets. We also offer opportunities to tour other farms and participate in farming related workshops.
If you think you would be a good fit for Bellair Farm in Virginia, send your resume and a letter introducing yourself to After that, we will chat on the farm and hopefully arrange a visit for an in-person interview. We will fill the positions first-come, first-serve to qualified candidates.
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