CRAFT Field Day in Illinois: Flowers

CRAFT Field Day in Illinois: Flowers at Brightflower Nursery

Date: Sunday, July 22nd, 2012; Time: Farm Tour 1:00-4:00pmPotluck dinner to follow (If you plan on participating in the potluck, please bring a dish to share).

Please RSVP to Rebecca: by Thursday, July 19, 2012.

Brightflower Nursery is a small certified organic farm growing garden starter plants and cut flowers for garden centers, grocery stores, and florists. Come learn about production tips, hear the ins and outs of selling to national grocery store chains, food coops, independent florists and garden centers.  Share the good and bad experiences of a small business! The first two hours will be a farm-tour and in depth discussion, the third hour will be a weeding mob on perennial beds. Bring your gloves!

Location: Brightflower Nursery, 650 N Stockton Rd., Stockton, Illinois 61085

CONTACT: Jeanie McKewan – 815.954.4390

For a full schedule of Illinois CRAFT Field Days CLICK HERE

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