CRAFT Farmer Gathering in Midwest, 2012

Young Farmer GatheringPlease join Upper Midwest CRAFT and the Biodynamic Initiative for the Next Generation (BING) for their second annual summer gathering of young farmers and friends!

Saturday August 25, 10am – Sunday, August 26, 2012 11am AT: Angelic Organics Farm + Learning Center Caledonia, IL

Come meet and mingle with fellow young agrarians and take part in a lively weekend including: saturday morning ~ farm machinery CRAFT field day + potluck lunch; saturday afternoon & evening ~ interactive workshops, networking, farm tours with farmer john peterson + tom spaulding; stir + spray biodynamic preparations; potluck dinner; live music from cpt. captain, bonfire, campout; sunday morning ~ hot farm breakfast + coffee, closing circle

$10-20 (pay what you can) includes all activities, snacks, camping and breakfast; please register by August 15 at; questions? contact thea at or 262.649.9212 x5

1 Comment on CRAFT Farmer Gathering in Midwest, 2012

  1. This sounds so great! Would love to visit something like this out east near me. Love the idea of bringing young agrarians together, even though I’m not one – I’m always into educating myself about the processes.

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