CRAFT Beginning Farmer Trainings Wisconsin and Illinois

CRAFT (Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training) is a supportive network of farmers and farmers-in-training. Prospective and beginning farmers gain exposure to and experience with a diversity of farm/garden designs and agricultural practices. The first CRAFT Field Day Workshop Sponsored by Angelic Organics Learning Center is Monday, June 13 at Tomato Mountain Farm, in Brooklyn, Wisconsin. Monday, June 13, 1pm-4pm, potluck at 12noon From Field to Jar:  Turning Produce into Value Added Goods Tomato Mountain Farm, Brooklyn, WI The entire summer schedule is below.

2011 CRAFT Field Days

Monday, June 13, 1pm-4pm, potluck at 12noon

From Field to Jar:  Turning Produce into Value Added Goods

Tomato Mountain Farm, Brooklyn, WI


Monday, June 20, 1pm-4pm, potluck at 12noon

Small Grains and Beans

This is a Beginning Farmer Field Day – an advisor will be on hand at this new farm

Advisor:  Dave Campbell of Lily Lake Organic Farm

Breslin Farms, Ottawa, IL


Thursday July 14, 1pm-4pm, potluck at 12noon

Post Harvest Handling

Vermont Valley Community Farm, Blue Mounds, WI


Saturday, July 23, 1pm-4pm, potluck at 12noon

Crop Rotations:  What Follows What and Why We Do It

Angelic Organics, Caledonia, IL


Sunday August 14, 1pm-4pm, potluck at 12noon noon

Multi-species Rotational Grazing

VDB Organic Farms, Delavan, WI


Mid-August, To Be Announced

Bees and Honey:  From Hive to Extraction

Honey Valley Apiaries, East Troy, WI


Sunday September 4, 1pm-4pm, potluck at 12noon

Raising Goats and Marketing Soap

Grace Note Farm, Whitewater, WI


Saturday, September 24, Time To Be Announced

Biodynamic Preparations

Zinniker Farm, East Troy, WI


Saturday, October 1, 2pm-5pm, potluck after

Machinery for the CSA Farm

Springdale Farm, Plymouth, WI


Thursday, October 20, 11am – 3pm, potluck at 12:30

Move a House:  Movable Hoophouses and Heated Hoops

This is a working field day – come prepared to learn and work

Heritage Prairie Market Farm, Elburn, IL

Joanne Wiedemann-Wolf

Program Assistant

Farmer Training Initiative & CRAFT

Angelic Organics Learning Center

1547 Rockton Rd

Caledonia, IL 61011

Office: 815-389-8455

Cell: 847-209-3046

Fax: 425-969-0317


Angelic Organics Learning Center helps urban and rural people build local food systems. The Learning Center offers opportunities to grow healthy food and a better quality of life, connect with farmers and the land, and learn agricultural and leadership skills. For more information, please visit

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