Cool Urban Gardening Blogs

Our friend Mike Lieberman has a couple of cool blog sites blog sites about his urban gardening adventures: Fire escape garden – and
Backyard vegetable garden – I recommend checking them out. Lots of cool explorations, innovations, and a chronicle of learning.

1 Comment on Cool Urban Gardening Blogs

  1. If you are growing more food than you need. you may want to visit – a site that helps diminish hunger by enabling gardeners to share their garden produce/herbs with neighborhood food pantries.

    The site is free both for the food pantries and the gardeners using it.

    Over 910 food pantries nationwide are already on it and more are signing up daily.

    It includes preferred delivery times, driving instructions to the pantry as well as (in many cases) information about store
    bought items also needed by the pantry (for after the growing season).

    If your community has a food pantry, make sure they register on

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