Community Supported Garden Apprenticeships in New Jersey

Apprentice Opportunities for 2016 in New Jersey – Community Supported Garden at Genesis Farm
The Community Supported Garden at Genesis Farm (CSG) has been a pioneer in the community food movement for 28 years. The farm started as a garden with roadside sales and grew to a CSA that includes over a hundred different vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers, seasonal or year-round distribution, fields newly dedicated to grain and oats, laying chickens, work with school groups, a farm camp, and a thriving apprenticeship program.
Community Supported Garden Apprenticeships: The CSG is seeking apprentices for the 2016 season (April to mid-November). Our 300+ member CSA biodynamically manages more than 125 acres of farmland (under Farmland Preservation) in northwestern New Jersey near the Delaware Water Gap. We share the land with the Genesis Farm Ecological Learning Center. There are 20 acres in vegetable production, 4 acres in grain (wheat, oats, rye, spelt, hull-less barley and triticale), 3.5 acres of orchards and berries and the remainder in meadows. All produce is distributed through a community supported agriculture program.
Applicants should be seeking a hands-on learning experience on a production-oriented farm. We offer apprentices their own room, board, stipend, shared lunches, educational opportunities and involvement in garden festivals in exchange for up to 50 hours of work per week. Apprenticeship housing is in a farmhouse on the farm. It is recommended that applicants visit the farm to evaluate the suitability of the position.
For more detailed information about the community supported garden apprenticeships, please see our website. Send a resume and a letter outlining goals and interests in agriculture to:
Community Supported Garden at Genesis Farm
41B Silver Lake Road
Blairstown, New Jersey 07825
Telephone: 908-362-7486
Contact: Judy von Handorf
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