Community Gardens Gathering in Los Angeles

Call for Participants

3rd Annual Gathering of Community Gardens

Hosted by:

Los Angeles Community Garden Council

Saturday, October 24, 2009 – Conference – 8am-4pm

Venue: LA Conservation Corps, 1400 N. Spring Street, Los Angeles 90012

Sunday, October 25, 2009 – Guided Garden Tours – 8am-12pm

Start Point: Solano Canyon Garden, 545 Solano Ave, Los Angeles 90012

The mission of The Los Angeles Community Garden Council (a non-profit corporation) is to connect people with community garden space in their neighborhood. LACGC is made up of a group of community gardeners who work together to try to solve common problems. Council members provide support services that best fit their abilities, and coordinate their efforts to accomplish a shared mission. Community gardens and the LACGC work together to build and manage, advocate and celebrate. On Saturday, October 24, the LACGC gathering will bring together over two hundred gardeners from the Los Angeles area who are engaged in all aspects of gardening and greening. The conference will include hands-on workshops, a moderated panel discussion, keynote speakers, an exhibition area and a networking breakfast and lunch.  On Sunday, October 25, the LACGC will lead a guided tour of several community gardens throughout the Los Angeles area. We want to hear about your work. We are seeking a diverse group of participants (individuals or organizations) to share information relevant to community gardening and green space development, including:
  • Community Gardeners
  • Horticulturists
  • Landscape Designers and Architects
  • Arborists and Foresters
  • Open Space Advocates
  • Organizers and Leaders
    • Public Employees
    • Parks and Planning Staff
    • Teachers and other educators
    • Youth
    • Community Food Security Advocates
    • Artists and Filmmakers
    • Horticultural Therapists
    • Nutritionists
    • Regional Utility Representatives

All proposals must be received by Monday, October 5, 2009 by 5pm.

We prefer submissions by e-mail to

Conventional mail submissions can be sent to:

Garrett Broad

1427 N. Kingsley Dr. #206

Los Angeles, CA 90027

Telephone 856-524-1088

For additional conference information visit our website at

3rd Annual Gathering of Community Gardens

2009 Call for Participants

Participation may follow the following formats:

A.        Presentations and Workshops

Presentations should be held to 60 minutes, which may include a Q&A Period. Highest priority will be given to engaging, hands-on, experiential, panel and team presentations, and participant-inclusive discussions.  Presentations in Spanish are highly welcome.  Translation will be available if needed.

B.         Exhibits

An area immediately adjacent to the principal gathering space will be designated for exhibition booths. This area will have high exposure and participants are encouraged to prepare bold graphics and handouts to promote their cause. Participants will be responsible for their own set-up and should provide knowledgeable staff for the majority of the day, with mandatory staff presence from 11am to 2pm. LACGC will provide a standard rectangular table and chairs; additional support, such as power, may be available upon request.

Themes: Participants are encouraged to address the following themes or related topics:

Gardens in Schools: school gardens and partnerships, teacher training, curricula, youth-led presentations, environmental education and action, job training.

Food, Health and Nutrition: nutrition education, cooking from the garden, food preservation, local food systems, school lunches, horticultural therapy.

Water Themes: water-wise gardening, xeriscape, rain water harvesting, aquaculture, rain gardens.

Government and Advocacy: community garden policies and legislation, advocacy process, local action to preserve gardens, U.S. Farm Bill, garden preservation and land trusts.

Art and Culture: art in the garden, ethnobotany, cultural expression in gardens, multicultural. projects, intergenerational gardening, spirituality in the garden, arts programming.

Economic Development: garden micro-enterprises, workforce development, economic impacts of gardens and open space, community gardens and farmers’ markets.

Horticulture and Ecology: habitat conservation, stewardship, greenhouses and season extending, non-traditional spaces, organic growing methods, edible landscapes.

Recruiting Gardeners and Garden Management: staff development, community garden management, coalition building, organizing, fundraising, in-kind resources, media, networking, volunteer programs, event and recreational programming.

Sustainable Systems: energy and resource conservation, green design and construction, composting, water conservation and collection.

Local Issues: Los Angeles local gardening and greening programs and projects.

Youth Movement:  getting local youth and young adults involved in your community garden projects.

Homeless Issues: community food security, involving homeless in your garden management.

Land Acquisition:  locating untapped gardens, leasing/renting, insurance and liability, securing land for green space.

Evaluation of Proposals:

The LACGC program committee evaluates proposals on five criteria: overall quality, relevance to community gardening, clarity of focus, degree of potential audience engagement, and practical applicability.

3rd Annual Gathering of Community Gardens

Los Angeles Community Garden Council

October 24, 2009

Call for Participation SUBMISSION FORM

Proposal Deadline: October 5, 2009

___________________________________              _____________________________

Participant                                                                   Contact Title

___________________________________              ______________________________

Co-Participant or Team name                                     Title


Organizational Affiliation

___________________________________              ___________________________

Street Address                                                                        City

___________________________________              ___________________________

State/Province                                                             Zip                               Country

___________________________________              ___________________________

Daytime Phone                                                           Evening Phone

___________________________________              ___________________________

E-mail                                                                          Fax

Participation Format:

(Circle one; if interested in both formats, please complete separate proposal forms)

Workshop/Presentation            Exhibit Booth

Presentation Type: (Circle one)

Team/Panel            Individual             Demonstration                        Film                 Other(describe)

Presentation Language:

Spanish            English

Number of Presenters           _________

Audio Visual Needs:

(Circle all that apply – it is critical that we get this information NOW!)

Slide Projector                                    Overhead                    Microphone                 Podium

TV/VCR                                 Power Point Projector             Other (describe)

Miscellaneous Needs: (Circle all that apply)

Flip Charts (News Print)                     Additional Tables

Demonstration Areas                          Other (describe)

Include in the Email or on separate page(s), include:

  1. Proposal Narrative: Maximum 300 words.  Include:
  • Main points and goals of your presentation or workshop
  • What participants will learn
  • Interactive elements of your presentation
  1. 2. Proposal Summary for Conference Brochure: Maximum 50 words

(Description and summary may be edited for inclusion in conference materials)

All proposals must be received by October 5, 2009.

Notification of Acceptance will be by October 10, 2009.

We prefer submissions by e-mail to

Conventional mail submissions can be sent to:

Garrett Broad

1427 N. Kingsley Dr. #206

Los Angeles, CA 90027

Telephone 856-524-1088

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