Catch What’s on Your Plate?, the documentary about kids and food politics, on national TV this February 7th, 2010

Catch What’s on Your Plate?, the documentary about kids and food politics, on national TV this February 7th, 2010!

Join families across the country for a Family Cook-In! on Sunday, February 7th and spend an afternoon learning with your kids about food – what it’s made of, where it come from and how to enjoy every bite.

First, download our Screening Toolkit. (Go to:

It has all the stuff you need to have a fun and delicious Family Cook-In!
Second, watch What’s on Your Plate? at 2:00 p.m. on Discovery’s Planet Green. (Go to to find your local channel).
Third, check out the games and activities in our Screening Toolkit.
Fourth, cook and eat together! Get everyone in the kitchen chopping, stirring, pouring and baking. Then sit down together for some fresh and yummy home-cooked food.

Think food justice is too tricky for kids? Think again.

What’s On Your Plate? proves that not only can kids understand the issues, they can actually teach other kids about how they are what they eat.

The film follows two eleven-year-old multi-racial city kids as they explore their place in the food chain. Sadie and Safiyah take a close look at food systems in New York City and its surrounding areas. With the camera as their companion, the girl guides talk to each other, food activists, farmers, new friends, storekeepers, their families, and the viewer, in their quest to understand what’s on all of our plates.

According to Michael Pollan: “”What’s On Your Plate?” is exactly the film we need now.”
And Alice Waters says: “It was an amazing experience to hear kids talking about these issues. This movie can have a real impact on the way we think about what we’re eating.”

Don’t miss this chance to see this witty and provocative film on national television!

Join in the conversation on how we can change what we eat, and in the process, change our world.

Visit our website for more information on the film and how you can get involved.

Can’t make the Family Cook-In! broadcast? No problem.
The film will be showing throughout the week, with additional broadcasts on:
Saturday February 6th, 2010 at 10 pm
Thursday February 11th at 11 pm
Friday February 12th at 7 am
Friday February 12th at 3 pm

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